The Daily Telegraph

The day of the incident

From 999 call to tragedy



Henry Long, Albert Bowers, Jessie Cole and Thomas King arrive at the home of Peter Wallis. They are confronted and leave emptyhande­d.


Long, Bowers and Cole return to Mr Wallis’s house and, over a period of 15 minutes, steal his quad bike.

It is attached to a Seat Toledo by a strap and ridden by Cole.


Mr Wallis makes a 999 call to report a theft in progress. He says: “I’ve got four masked men outside my house, and they’ve got weapons.” Pc Andrew Harper and Pc Andrew Shaw are nearby in a BMW car, having just finished their shifts.


The officers get a first glimpse of the Seat headlights approachin­g in Admoor Lane. The vehicles stop, facing each other, about 16ft apart. Eight seconds later, Long mounts the verge as he drives around the police car. Cole is on foot behind the Seat. Having unhitched the quad bike, he runs past the police car, pursued by Pc Harper, and dives through the Seat passenger window, the Old Bailey is told.


Pc Harper is almost at the car, but runs into the loop of the strapping trailing from the boot. He is dragged away as Long accelerate­s away. The whole incident takes around 30 seconds.


More than a minute after Pc

Harper’s disappeara­nce, Pc Shaw stops to recover Pc Harper’s stab vest, which was in two parts in the road.


Pc Harper’s body is found by Pc Christophe­r Bushnell in Ufton Lane. He has been dragged just over a mile for 91 seconds before he is dislodged on the other side of the A4. It means Long has driven an average of 42.5mph, the court is told.

Pc Bushnell alerts his colleague Pc Andy Kemp to the figure in the road, and sets off in pursuit of the Seat.


Pc Shaw reaches the A4 and Ufton Lane, where he finds his colleague, having followed a trail of road marks, blood and body matter. Meanwhile, Long heads towards Ufton Court, but gets stuck behind a wedding coach and turns back, forcing Pc Bushnell to take evasive action to avoid a head-on collision. The Seat is then driven at speed towards Four Houses Corner and Pc Bushnell loses sight of it.

The National Police Air Service helicopter is directed to the Four Houses Corner travellers’ site.


The helicopter reports seeing, using thermal imaging, the “very, very hot” Seat on the site, with people standing around another car in an adjacent plot.


Pc Harper is pronounced dead in the road where he was found.

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