The Daily Telegraph

Parisians perplexed by new face mask rules

Pedestrian­s need to wear a covering in some crowded areas of the city, but not cyclists or joggers

- By David Chazan in Paris

MANY Parisians have been left confused about the areas where they are required to wear face masks outdoors after a new rule was introduced after a spike in coronaviru­s infections.

Shoppers in some of the French capital’s busiest areas, where social distancing is difficult, could be fined €135 (£121) or jailed for six months if they breach the rule three times in a month.

For the time being, police say they will caution people and ask them to put on a mask. The month-long rule, which came into force yesterday, applies to about 100 of the busiest streets, as well as outdoor markets, the banks of the Seine, and paths along canals where young people gather for picnics.

But Parisians said they were having trouble decipherin­g a map released by the city authoritie­s specifying the loca- tions covered.

Jean-pierre Joly, who was cycling along the Right Bank of the River Seine without a mask, stopped alongside three policemen on Monday morning. “Am I breaking the law?” the 61-yearold asked.

“No,” one officer replied. “If you’re cycling, jogging or playing a sport, you don’t have to wear one.”

That exemption had not been clearly communicat­ed to most members of the public. Many other cyclists and joggers were wearing masks yesterday in temperatur­es of up to 97F (36C). Hélène Montfort, 43, was wearing a mask while buying groceries on Rue Montorguei­l in central Paris, but said the regulation­s seemed “illogical”.

“I’ve got to wear a mask on this street because it’s pedestrian­ised and often crowded but I can take it off on that one over there even though it’s just as busy,” she said.

Tourist sites including the Eiffel Tower, Champs-elysées and the Arc de Triomphe are exempt but the area around the Sacré-coeur Basilica in Montmartre is included.

Paris is one of the world’s biggest cities to have made face masks obligatory outdoors in busy areas, but they have already been made compulsory in many other French cities and resorts.

Masks have been mandatory in indoor public spaces such as shops and banks throughout France since July 21. A poll at the weekend suggested that more than 60 per cent of French people support making masks compulsory.

But opponents argue that the risk is smaller outdoors. “Nothing very alarming is happening as it’s mainly young people being infected who often don’t show symptoms,” said Martin Blachier, a public health expert.

Critics say the increase in reported new infections is partly because France has ramped up testing. But Nicolas Péju, deputy head of the Paris regional health agency, said: “The increase in tests doesn’t fully explain the rise in infections. We’re seeing about 400 new cases a day in the Paris area alone. The situation is deteriorat­ing.”

On Friday France reported 2,288 new infections, the highest daily increase in more than two months.

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