The Daily Telegraph

The EU must climb off its Irish high horse

- Charles moore Mckellen, ex-pm Abbott of Oz is an excellent catch.

In 2018, the European Union demanded an Irish “backstop”, and cornered Theresa May on the subject. Now the British Government wants its counter-equivalent and will legislate for it at once. You would not know this from the way the story is being reported.

The danger the Government wants to protect against is as follows. We reach December 31 without full agreement on the implementa­tion of the Irish Protocol. At this point, the EU tries to invoke its sacred doctrine of “direct effect”, by which its law is automatica­lly imposed on us. This means that tariffs could be slapped on goods passing between mainland Britain and Northern Ireland.

This would cut the one off from the other. It would contradict the fact – reiterated in Article 4 of the protocol – that “Northern Ireland is part of the customs territory of the UK”. It would also cause outrage to majority Unionist opinion in the province. When Michel Barnier kept demanding no hard border between North and South, he did so in the name of the peace process. I very much doubt he is right that peace is at stake, but if it is, it must apply West-east as well as Southnorth. So far, it is Unionists who have had to make all the sacrifices.

Our Government therefore says that its decisions about implementi­ng the Protocol must be made through “ministeria­l empowermen­t”, rather than direct effect. There cannot, in any circumstan­ces, be tariffs within the United Kingdom. This is a backstop, in case negotiatio­ns break down; it is not an attempt to collapse them.

Now the EU needs to choose. It could get on its high horse – a steed it has often mounted in the past – and gallop off over what it says are breaches of the protocol. Or it could express an understand­ing of the problem which Britain confronts and talk about ways to overcome it. This sort of stuff is not something at which M Barnier excels, but there are more skilful and important leaders in the EU than he.

How strong is the British stance? I am not sure. On the one hand, we conceded too much over Ireland in order to hasten agreement last year. Hence some of the current difficulty. On the other, the EU is much clearer than it was then that the Government means business and has an electoral mandate. Britain is not bluffing about no deal. It has even invented a euphemism for it – an “Australian deal”. A free trade agreement would be “a Canadian deal”. It would prefer the latter but would be happy with the former. This is quite a strong position, which Brussels would be wise to respect.

The Government has survived 

the wrath of Sir Ian Mckellen,

Russell T Davies and others. They wrote an open letter saying how disgracefu­l it would be if Boris Johnson were to make Tony Abbott an envoy for the UK Board of Trade. The Prime Minister went ahead regardless.

Mr Abbott’s alleged crimes bore literally no relation to questions of trade. They included misogyny (a matter of debate, not fact), opposition to abortion (true), scepticism about climate change catastroph­e (true) and his voting, in common with 40 per cent of his fellow Australian­s, against single-sex marriage (true). Mr Abbott is fully entitled to his opinions on these matters. The open letter of Sir Ian and friends was as irrelevant and impertinen­t as if Mr Abbott and pals were to get up a righteous round-robin complainin­g that Sir Ian had accepted an offer of the part of Othello.

I find it fascinatin­g that no one raised the only seemingly obvious objection to Mr Abbott in the British trade role – that he is not British. This speaks volumes for the tacit but growing acceptance of one of the strong propositio­ns behind Brexit – that this country’s closest cultural/ political ties are with our former dominions, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, not with the EU. Hence the “Australian deal” mentioned above.

Imagine the outrage and incredulit­y if a former prime minister of France, Germany, or Luxembourg (such as Jean-claude Juncker) were invited to fly our trade flag across the world. Yet for all those who care more for British trade than for pleasing Sir Ian

The National Trust is launching 

an appeal to “raise awareness” – but actually, as the press release admits, money. For example, “£5 will buy and plant a tree”.

The trust has suffered large losses due to Covid-19. In full-page advertisem­ents in last Saturday’s newspapers, the NT described its many activities – looking after coasts, peaks, parks, gardens, works of art and historic buildings. One important word, however, was missing from the advertisem­ents – “houses”.

The “homes” of particular people – Isaac Newton, Paul Mccartney and Beatrix Potter – were mentioned (although not, of course, those of wicked imperialis­ts such as Rudyard Kipling, Francis Drake and Winston Churchill); but the fact that the trust owns roughly 200 country houses was passed over in silence.

This was surely significan­t. In the unnecessar­y culture war waged by some of the trust’s leadership and marketing people against its members, curators and volunteers, country houses are the most important victims. They were notoriousl­y dismissed in a recent NT piece of blue-sky thinking as “the outdated mansion experience”. Now they are being edged out of the publicity altogether.

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