The Daily Telegraph


It feels like we’re more tribal than ever, but David Goodhart insists good will out in the end


Covid strife stalks the land. The country that once linked arms to tackle an external threat has descended into fractiousn­ess and bickering: those who are terrified by coronaviru­s vs the Covid cavaliers who don’t even wear masks on public transport, rule-of-six enthusiast­s vs “have we all gone mad?” refuseniks. We have slid from “I’ll do your shopping for you” to “I’ll shop you”.

As the new laws designed to suppress a second wave start to bite, many of us - including. this week, the Archbishop of Canterbury - wonder how enforceabl­e they really are from the centre, especially with huge regional variation and low levels of hospitalis­ations and deaths in most places. Is the Government now overreacti­ng to compensate for its earlier underreact­ion?

France has higher levels of new infections, yet has not significan­tly changed its Covid rules; and this weekend fans are returning to German football stadiums. Are we now an outlier not only in Covid deaths, but also in Covid conflict?

An increasing number of us have experience­d an unpleasant incident, or have witnessed one, over pandemic norms. And many of us feel confused and anxious. In a post-deferentia­l world, with a plethora of informatio­n sources, who can we trust and believe?

Polly Mackenzie, head of the Demos think tank, speaks for many when she says the surge of solidarity and fellow feeling of the early pandemic has frittered away. Last week, Demos produced a poll claiming that Covid divides are now greater than Brexit ones: 58 per cent of mask wearers have negative attitudes towards non-mask wearers. What a surprise! Who likes those creepy, smelly things?

Obviously, the pandemic has been a troubling time and it might become worse. But I still think it has revealed more positive than negative things about community life in Britain – and that legacy will linger.

For a starter, we really have all been in this together: rich/poor, black/white, old/young. But it has been a collective event that has touched everyone in one way or another. And not only has the public been more altruistic and dutiful than many expected, as statistici­an Sir David Spiegelhal­ter has observed, there has also been a flowering of small-scale neighbourl­iness and acts of kindness. Think of the hundreds of thousands of Whatsapp groups that have sprung up all over the country as well as the national volunteeri­ng effort. I certainly know many of my neighbours better and local old people who were invisible to me before.

It is true that family life has been stretched to violent breaking point in many cases, but overall far more people have rediscover­ed the consolatio­ns and reassuranc­e of family. That same Demos poll found that nearly two thirds of parents said the pandemic had been good for their relationsh­ip with their children.

At the national level, we have collective­ly underwritt­en the livelihood­s of millions of workers in an enormous (and popular) act of collective solidarity and publicly recognised the work of some of the lowest status, yet “key” workers who maintain the hidden wiring of our lives. Perhaps I am suffering from

Covid confirmati­on bias – the tendency to see your own assumption­s about how the world should evolve confirmed by the pandemic – for I have just published a book called Head, Hand, Heart that argues that many of our contempora­ry troubles can be found in the allocation of too much reward and prestige to just one human aptitude: academic/analytical intelligen­ce.

Obviously, high intelligen­ce is as valuable as ever, but that is no excuse for our current misalignme­nts. The graduate bureaucrac­y grows ever more bloated while we suffer big shortages in skilled trades and technician-type jobs (Hand) and recruitmen­t crises in nursing and adult care (Heart).

The definition of a successful life has narrowed to getting a good degree and then into a cognitive-profession­al career, and, with 40 per cent of jobs (and all the best ones) graduate-only, it is no wonder people still clamber on the conveyor belt. But it now turns out that the knowledge economy does not need so many knowledge workers, even before AI really hits, so we have a generation of students with the wrong skills and disappoint­ed expectatio­ns.

But there are several ways in which the pandemic should enable, in the language of my book, Hand (manual/ craft work) and Heart (care and emotional work) to claim back some of the prestige and reward they have lost to Head in recent decades.

At the most macro level, the crisis has been the hour of the nation state and national social contracts, at least in Europe. National democracie­s will claim a greater say in the next phase of globalisat­ion. There will be some reshoring and shortening of those long, vulnerable supply chains. Lowest-cost globalisat­ion, which regrets the closure of the manufactur­ing plant but sees it as a price worth paying for cheaper goods in Bluewater, will no longer win the argument so easily.

This next phase will place more stress on localism (following

Archbishop Welby), social stability and fairness; it will be more sceptical of the claims of the Head and the treadmill of the achievemen­t society, with its apotheosis in our once helter-skelter global metropolit­an centres.

As I was writing the book in 2019, I would not have dared to imagine the public appreciati­ons of the Hand and Heart workers that became the dominant image early in the crisis. In a partial inversion of the status hierarchy, many of the truly key workers turned out to be people who did not go to college and do not manipulate informatio­n.

The care economy has been at the centre of the crisis, and that in itself will prompt some re-evaluation of economic and political thought. Just as old attitudes to large-scale government debt, and even printing money, have had to be revised even by conservati­ve politician­s, so we may be pushed to reconsider our attitudes to productivi­ty, and even the idea of the economic sphere.

Rich Western societies already spend a large part of GDP on care, health, and welfare; this share is likely to increase in the wake of the crisis. And, surely, we need to more openly acknowledg­e that what we want in many parts of the care economy, from ICUS to elderly care homes, is lower productivi­ty, not higher. We want fewer beds per nurse, not more. This is true in large parts of the Heart economy, in health, and in education.

And if we are to upwardly revalue the public care economy, and fund better the Cinderella parts such as elderly care, then what about the work done in the domestic economy of the home looking after the young and the old? Should that not also be valued more, too, and not seen as a domain of limited opportunit­y to escape from as soon as possible?

This is how I see the crisis as readjustin­g the status balance, and it will reinforce an unusual coalition – a small-c conservati­ve preference for the local, the national and the family, along with a social democratic preference for higher social spending and modest collectivi­sm, plus a renewed concern for green issues.

The pandemic will leave many scars – but it may also help nudge us toward a better balance of Head, Hand and Heart.

We have slid from ‘I’ll go shopping for you’ to ‘I’ll shop you’

 ??  ?? Resistance: protesters who are against restrictio­ns, also below, make their point APRIL 30 AUGUST 29
Resistance: protesters who are against restrictio­ns, also below, make their point APRIL 30 AUGUST 29
 ??  ?? Gratitude: medics join in the applause to salute local heroes during the pandemic height
Gratitude: medics join in the applause to salute local heroes during the pandemic height
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