The Daily Telegraph

French boats target UK crews in scallop war

- By Daily Telegraph Reporters

SCALLOP wars have broken out in the English Channel after French trawlers confronted British fishermen by firing flares and throwing frying pans.

Two British boats, the Girl Macey, skippered by Scott Glover, and the Golden Promise, by Brian Whittingto­n, were involved in the confrontat­ion in the early hours of Monday morning.

They were surrounded by around 20 French vessels and were pelted by objects including frying pans and rocks.

The hostile French crews even threw oil at the Girl Macey before firing a flare at the ship. The outbreak of violence has sparked fears that hostilitie­s are worsening and a death is inevitable. Brian “Winkle” Whittingto­n, 43, skipper of the Golden Promise, said: “We can’t use the radio when they do it as they just talk over us instantly, so I couldn’t check on Scott to see how he was.

“We were about two miles apart and I had two or three boats around me. Scott had 15 around him, they were throwing oil at him and firing flares.”

Both vessels are based at Brixham, Devon. And Derek Meredith, a fishermen from the port and owner of the Golden Promise, believes tensions are heightenin­g in the Channel.

He said that this incident could have easily resulted in a death, as the flare could have set the Girl Macey on fire. “If that flare went into the wheelhouse, the boat would have burnt up… The boat would sink and the French would just leave our boys to drown.”

Mr Meredith also called on the Royal Navy to help British fishermen, saying they were routinely attacked while doing their jobs. Tensions have been growing more and more each year due to a difference in fishing restrictio­ns between the UK and France.

British scallopers are allowed to fish year round, but the French are not permitted to fish between May 15 and October 1. This creates hostility towards the UK fishermen, and the French try to keep the best stock for themselves and keep UK boats out of the good areas.

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