The Daily Telegraph

Critics’ carping deters angler from claiming record catch

- By Max Stephens

AN ANGLER who caught Britain’s biggest carp has refused to put his name forward for the record after a previous claimant received death threats from fishing purists.

Wayne Mansford, 38, reeled in the 75lb 2oz mirror carp at Holme Fen Fishery in Cambridges­hire, beating the previous record by 7lb. However, angling traditiona­lists have reacted angrily to Mr Mansford’s catch, claiming that as the fish was imported into the country when it weighed 15lb it should not be considered a “British” record.

Mr Mansford chose not to submit his catch to the British Record Fish Committee after another angler, Tom Doherty, received death threats in 2016 for trying to claim the record for a 70lb mirror carp imported from Israel.

Mr Mansford, who has represente­d his sport for England, said critics were simply jealous of his achievemen­t.

The roofer from Windsor, Berks, said: “At the end of the day a carp is carp to me. I’m in a great place knowing what I have achieved but I know previously people have gone as far as receiving death threats. It could be a British record but I just don’t know whether I want to go through all the controvers­y.

“People get very angry about imported fish and I think a lot of it is probably just jealousy.”

Mr Mansford enticed the carp using a pellet and sweetcorn bait, landing it after a 10-minute struggle. Such was the size of the carp, nicknamed Marshall, the angler believed his scales were broken when he weighed it and had to check with a fellow fisherman. After confirming the size and posing for pictures he returned the fish to the water.

A spokesman for the British Record Fish Committee said: “Out of respect to the captor we won’t comment on this individual catch until an applicatio­n is made. What I will say is that we have rejected a fish from Holme Fen in the past because it is a fed water.

“However, that may have changed and it is important we treat every applicatio­n on its own merits.”

 ??  ?? Wayne Mansford with his catch: a 75lb 2oz imported mirror carp, nicknamed Marshall
Wayne Mansford with his catch: a 75lb 2oz imported mirror carp, nicknamed Marshall

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