The Daily Telegraph

Trump’s teenage son had Covid, reveals first lady in post to nation

- By Nick Allen in Washington

DONALD TRUMP’S 14-year-old son Barron contracted coronaviru­s after both his parents tested positive, the first lady has confirmed.

Melania Trump said Barron had not exhibited any symptoms and had since tested negative. His father, the president, said he was doing “fine”.

In an essay entitled “My Personal Experience with Covid-19”, Mrs Trump wrote that, after she and the president were diagnosed on Oct 1, “naturally my mind went immediatel­y to our son”. A test initially cleared him, but “my fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive”, Mrs Trump wrote in the piece, which was released on social media by the White House.

She said Barron was a “strong teenager” and she was “glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together.” Mrs Trump also gave the first detailed account of her own illness, describing it as a “roller coaster” and discussing how she went down a “natural route” to treat it.

“I was very fortunate as my diagnosis came with minimal symptoms, though they hit me all at once and it seemed to be a roller coaster of symptoms in the days after,” the first lady said.

She suffered body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt “extremely tired”.

Mrs Trump, 50, added: “I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food. I encourage everyone to continue to live the healthiest life they can. A balanced diet, fresh air, and vitamins really are vital.”

The first lady thanked the “wonderful caretakers around us” including Dr Sean Conley, the White House physician, and his team, saying she would be “forever grateful”.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, “compassion and humility are just as i mportant in keeping our minds strong”, she added.

Addressing those who were sick, and their loved ones, she said she was “thinking of you every day”.

“I am happy to report that I have tested negative and hope to resume my duties as soon as I can,” she wrote.

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