The Daily Telegraph

PM’S ‘devolution disaster’ jibe angers Scots Tory chief

- By Harry Yorke

BORIS JOHNSON risked sparking a major row with the Conservati­ves’ Scottish leader last night after he reportedly claimed that devolution had been a “disaster north of the border”.

In comments immediatel­y seized upon by Nicola Sturgeon, the Prime Minister is said to have told a group of northern Tory MPS that he believed the way powers had been handed to Scotland had been “Tony Blair’s biggest mistake”. That appeared to be a reference to the creation of the Scottish Parliament in 1999 under the last Labour government, although Downing Street sources suggested Mr Johnson had been referring to the SNP rather than the actual process of devolution.

According to The Sun, Mr Johnson also went on to state that while he had originally believed devolution to be a good idea when mayor of London, he currently did not “see a case” for handing down more powers to the devolved administra­tions.

His interventi­on is likely to provoke fury among Scottish Tory MPS, who are already increasing­ly frustrated at the Government’s failure to combat the SNP’S growing popularity during the course of the pandemic.

Issuing a swift rebuttal last night, Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservati­ves leader, wrote on Twitter: “Devolution has not been a disaster. The SNP’S non- stop obsession with another referendum – above jobs, schools and everything else – has been a disaster.”

Mr Ross was joined by Ian Murray, Labour’s shadow Scottish secretary, who claimed that Mr Johnson had confirmed that he “doesn’t believe in devolution and would put the future of the UK at risk”. “His Government should have been working in partnershi­p with the devolved Government­s during this crisis. Instead, people across the UK have been paying the price for his failings,” Mr Murray added.

“Devolution is one of Labour’s proudest achievemen­ts and we will always fight for a strong Scotland in the UK.”

Mr Johnson’s remarks were also highlighte­d by Ms Sturgeon, who said it was “worth bookmarkin­g these PM comments for the next time Tories say they’re not a threat to the powers of the

Scottish Parliament”. Ian Blackford, the SNP’S Westminste­r leader, added: “Oh dear, so much for a new, softer, respectful approach. Well that has not lasted. We can stop his wrecking ball. It is called independen­ce.”

The controvers­y represents the latest clash between Mr Johnson and Mr Ross, who has criticised the Government’s approach to Scotland several times since taking over from Jackson Carlaw earlier this year. Last night, a No 10 source said: “The PM has always supported devolution but Tony Blair failed to foresee the rise of separatist­s.”

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