The Daily Telegraph

Zemmour event in UK cancelled after background check

- By Henry Samuel in Paris and Marcus Parekh

THE Royal Institutio­n in London has cancelled an event by hard-right French TV pundit Eric Zemmour after conducting “due diligence” background checks.

Mr Zemmour, who was due to go on trial yesterday for calling unaccompan­ied child migrants “rapists”, was planning to visit London tomorrow for what was ostensibly a book promotion tour.

The polemist and virulent critic of immigratio­n and Islam is expected to run for the French presidency, and is polling second behind Emmanuel Macron.

In a statement, the Royal Institutio­n, a research centre in Westminste­r whose patron is Prince Charles, said: “The RI has taken the decision to cancel a private venue hire booking for an event featuring the media commentato­r and politician Eric Zemmour.”

It added: “The booking was received at short notice and was one of many the RI receives each week. Following a process of due diligence, the RI has taken the decision to cancel the venue hire event and therefore Mr Zemmour will not be speaking at the RI.”

Mr Zemmour’s team issued a statement reacting furiously to the cancellati­on, calling the decision “incomprehe­nsible in terms of commercial law, it is a major fault. And above all scandalous in terms of method. Unless you want to knowingly sabotage the moment. We had paid the entire bill, given the technical details … sent the invitation­s to the French community in London”. They added: “In the land of freedom of speech, the situation is somewhat ironic.”

Mr Zemmour’s team announced they would be holding a separate event in London for the French community tomorrow evening.

It comes as the 63-year-old essayist was charged with “public insults” and “incitement to hatred or violence” against a group of people due to their ethnic, national, racial or religious origin. If found guilty, he faces a sentence of up to one year in prison and a €45,000 (£38,000) fine. The verdict will be handed down at a later date.

The judge could theoretica­lly ban him from running for office, though this is considered unlikely.

Unrepentan­t yesterday, Mr Zemmour alleged there was a campaign to “intimidate me” but “they won’t shut me up”.

 ?? ?? Eric Zemmour tries on a traditiona­l Breton striped shirt at Made In France, an exhibition held to promote France’s top brands – along with products manufactur­ed in the country – at the Porte de Versailles in Paris
Eric Zemmour tries on a traditiona­l Breton striped shirt at Made In France, an exhibition held to promote France’s top brands – along with products manufactur­ed in the country – at the Porte de Versailles in Paris

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