The Daily Telegraph

Put Revolution­ary Guards on terrorism list, UK urged

Israel calls for Iranian elite force to be proscribed as ‘initial price’ for drone and missile attack

- By Charles Hymas Home affairs editor and Tony Diver Us editor

ISRAEL urged allies including Britain on Sunday to proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group following the drone and missile attacks on the country.

Lior Haiat, spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called for a terrorist ban on the IRGC as an “initial price” for its “large-scale and unpreceden­ted” aggression against Israel. The statement will increase pressure on the Government, with Tory MPS and Labour set to reaffirm their demands for a ban today when Rishi Sunak is expected to give a statement on the Iranian attack to the Commons.

Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, and Robert Jenrick, the former immigratio­n minister, have led calls in recent days for the IRGC to be proscribed in the wake of the Oct 7 terror attacks on Israel.

The US designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organisati­on in April 2019, but the UK Government has resisted such a move on the basis that it keeps open a vital channel of communicat­ion with the Iranian regime. Although the US publicly called for its allies to proscribe the IRGC after the Oct 7 attacks, The Telegraph understand­s American diplomats have privately asked the UK not to do so.

The US has not had diplomatic relations with Iran since 1980, and relies on other Western allies including the UK to act as a backchanne­l with Iran.

Some US officials have raised concerns privately that if the UK was to proscribe the group, Tehran would sever diplomatic ties with London and cut off a key diplomatic back channel.

Yesterday, Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, said IRGC proscripti­on was kept under “constant review” but added: “There is a point of the value of being able to have a direct conversati­on with the Iranian authoritie­s in the way that has already happened, there is a value in that, to be able to land those messages directly with Iran.”

She also said the police, the security services and courts had the powers that they needed to target those people causing the most concern, noting that the UK had sanctioned some 400 organisati­ons or individual­s.

However, Mr Haiat tweeted: “Iran must pay a price for its aggression. The initial price must be the immediate recognitio­n of the Iranian Revolution­ary Guards Corps – which launched the extensive terrorist attack last night – as a terrorist organisati­on.”

Mrs Braverman tweeted that the attack must mark the end of “Western backslidin­g” on Israel. Last week she said the Government needed to “grow a backbone” and take tough action against the IRGC as the “chief sponsor of global terrorism”.

In an article for The Telegraph in January, Mr Jenrick said it was time the UK “took the fanatical Iranian regime at their word and treated them as the zealots they openly professed to be”, which would mean proscribin­g the IRGC.

Labour also renewed its call yesterday for the Government to proscribe the IRGC.

David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, said that the Iranian attacks “highlight once again the extreme danger of the IRGC”.

He added that it was for the Government to “come forward with new plans to proscribe them and to deal with this issue of state actors that will behave in this appalling way that wreaks terror on a wider community”.

Mr Lammy also called for further sanctions against Iranian drone technology and said that the opposition would support such a move. “It’s time that we stepped up sanctions on those drones, and I hope the Government will be coming forward with more plans for that tomorrow,” he said.

Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, last night summoned Iran’s charge d’affaires to the Foreign Office.

In a statement, a Foreign Office spokesman reiterated the UK’S condemnati­on of Iran’s actions and said that

‘Iran must pay a price for its aggression’

Britain “will continue to stand up for Israel’s security”. The spokesman also demanded the release of MSC Aries, a Portuguese-flagged civilian ship seized by Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard Corps on Saturday.

Iran must take meaningful and immediate action to de-escalate and “halt its reckless and unlawful behaviour”, the spokesman added.

Earlier yesterday, Lord Cameron said that he had “formally condemned in the strongest terms” Iran’s attack on Israel in a phone call with the Iranian foreign minister.

The Foreign Secretary also reported that he had “made clear that Iran must stop these reckless attacks, de-escalate and release the MSC Aries”.

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 ?? ?? Iranians celebrate the attacks in Palestine Square, Tehran, last night
Iranians celebrate the attacks in Palestine Square, Tehran, last night

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