The Daily Telegraph

Iran’s UK centre paid £240k in Covid cash


AN ISLAMIC centre branded the “nerve centre” for Iran in the UK received more than £240,000 in government Covid payments despite having a reserve of £4.2 million, it has been revealed.

The Islamic Centre of England (ICE), described as the voice of Iran’s supreme leader in the UK, received furlough payments of £109,476 in 2020 and £129,556 in 2021.

The payments were revealed in a report by the think tank Policy Exchange which called for a ban on visas for Iranian nationals to work at the centre.

The report said all four directors of the centre since 1994 had been named as UK representa­tives of Iran’s supreme leader. It has also frequently held events to mark the 1979 Islamic revolution.

In 2020, the centre hosted a vigil for Qassim Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps, killed in a drone strike that January.

Last year the Charity Commission opened a statutory inquiry into ICE amid serious governance concerns. It appointed an interim manager “due to the trustees’ failure to comply with their legal duties and responsibi­lities and their failure to protect the charity’s assets”. Policy Exchange said the inquiry should report in two months.

Paul Stott, head of security and extremism at Policy Exchange, said: “Iran challenges our security, but it also threatens the UK’S social cohesion and our values.

“Allowing it to build and sustain an infrastruc­ture in this country is madness. We need to get much smarter in our response, and that starts with proper control of the visa system.”

ICE was contacted for comment. A spokesman has previously said the centre was a “purely religious and cultural organisati­on, which provides various services to the local communitie­s”.

The spokesman added: “It is an independen­t charity regulated by British law, which is totally funded by the local beneficiar­ies. The majority of the trustees, donors, and attendees are British citizens. Indeed, this charity is nothing to do with politics, while we strongly believe that the politicall­y motivated lobbies are trying to drag the charity into their political disputes.”

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