The Football League Paper

team mates

- Gary Doherty -

Best trainer?

Matt Ingram. He’s usually in quite early for boxing training. He’s a very good trainer – goalkeeper­s always tend to be. I’m never in that early myself so I don’t see! There are a lot of young lads here and they’re always eager to impress, they could definitely give Matt a good run for his money in the future if they keep it up.

Worst tattoo?

Me! I got a terrible one when I was 16, it was a little devil on my arm so I followed it with a huge tattoo to cover it up. When you’ve got that inked on your arm in the changing room you can’t go hammering anyone else.

Worst dressed?

Paul Hayes, our skipper. He’s always wearing the same sort of chinos. I know chinos are quite fashionabl­e but not on a regular basis, he’s got to try to mix it up a bit.

Dressing room DJ?

We switch it around a lot. The gaffer lets us each play a tune before a game, which sorts out any problems with songs we can’t agree on. But when I’m in charge you’ll hear more rock and indie. If not, usually some sort of woody house music to liven everyone up.

Most prolific on Twitter?

Paris Cowan-Hall, even though he’s not half as bad as the lads last season. Some of the squad were addicted. A number of the lads were tweeting all the time but the manager seems to have got rid of that bunch! We’ve had a little talk about being wise on

Twitter since, which calmed us down.

Best dancing feet?

Me, it has to be! I’m trying to think of a better dancer in the squad and I can’t. There are no real good dancers to be honest, there’s a lot of idiotic moves. None of them can throw any naughty shapes. I’m definitely the hardest-working!

Most skilful?

Max Kretzschma­r has got really good feet, but we’ve got one of those managers who goes nuts if we’re trying to pull off nutmegs in training. Max stands out. Paul Hayes has got great feet too, but in a more clinical


Club hardman?

Our new signing Peter Murphy fancies himself as a bit of a hard man. He moans and whinges about referees and the opposition a fair bit so I would like to think that with a mouth like that, he can back it up. We’re yet to find out if he can though, so I’m hoping he proves himself there.

Most likely to disgrace themselves at the Christmas party?

Charlie Horlock if history is anything to go by. He’s a young lad and still getting used to the Christmas parties, as you can imagine. There are some good stories from last year that should probably stay in the changing room but it would probably be him, he’s a bit inexperien­ced in that field.

Going to make the best manager?

That would go to Matt Bloomfield, he’s already started on his badges. He’s got an interestin­g outlook on football, too. He’s quite an intelligen­t guy and that aside he acts like a manager around the training ground anyway. I think he fancies himself as a boss in the future, I could see it happening.

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