The Herald

Plea to dog owners as lambing season draws near


WITH lambing time approachin­g, vets from Scotland’s Rural University College are urging dog owners to keep their pets under close control and avoid going near sheep at all.

Farm vets have first hand experience of the devastatio­n that a normally friendly companion pet can cause to a flock.

Veterinary investigat­ion officer Hannah Orr, based in Aberdeen, said: “We know how great dogs can be but we also examine the horrific injuries and see the stress they can inflict on ewes and lambs.

“The majority of owners are very responsibl­e and would not knowingly allow their pets to distress or injure livestock. But you can never tell what might happen and it is best to take extra care at this time of year.”

Ms Orr’s colleague Marion McMillan, a vet with SAC consulting veterinary services office in Ayr who is married to a sheep farm manager from Girvan, has her own personal story about what dogs can do.

She has witnessed six lambs from a flock all with head wounds so bad they had to be put down. In another incident, eight young lambs were found with badly crushed heads, while several ewes had wounds suggesting they had tried to defend their young.

Mrs McMillan said: “It was shocking because it was very different from anything I had seen before.

“We did try to treat some sheep from the first incident but eventually had to put them down. I know not every dog would behave like the one that carried out the attack, but sheep are vulnerable when they are heavily in lamb – even a dog thinking its playing by chasing pregnant ewes can cause problems later.”

According to the vets, dog owners need to be vigilant and pay attention to any signs placed by farmers or landowners beside footpaths and gates.

If entering a field of sheep, keep dogs on a short lead or close at heel. Walk a good distance from the livestock. The same applies on more open moorland or hills with sheep or cattle about.

Mrs McMillan added: “Sheep are particular­ly vulnerable in the run-up to lambing.

“Unborn lambs put on about two-thirds of their birth weight in the final six weeks of pregnancy.

“The simple act of a dog running about in a field of sheep can harm the health of their unborn lambs and cause stress leading to miscarriag­e and death.

“Our SRUC colleagues researchin­g animal welfare tell us the stress a pregnant ewe suffers is not only passed to her lamb but that lamb’s offspring as well.”

Ms Orr adde d : “An out-of-control dog chasing sheep causes the sheep to move away at speed and flock together for protection. Rapid movement usually attracts the dog’s attention and most will follow their basic instinct and run after the sheep.

“If a dog does not obey an owner’s call to come back, or the owner isn’t present, the dog’s next move may be to physically attack and even kill sheep.” For in-depth news and views on Scottish agricultur­e, see this Friday’s issue of The Scottish Farmer or visit thescottis­

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