The Herald

Warnings about security as NSA loses power to collect phone records in bulk


THE US National Security Agency has lost its authority to collect phone records in bulk, with intelligen­ce officials warning it could jeopardise Americans’ safety.

A midnight deadline passed after a dramatic Sunday session in the Senate, when Republican Senator Rand Paul stood in the way of extending the fiercely contested programme.

The programme and several other post-September 11, 2001 counter-terror measures look likely to be revived within days.

With no other options, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reluctantl­y embraced a House of Representa­tives-passed bill that would extend the provisions, while also remaking the bulk phone collection­s programme.

Civil liberties groups applauded as Mr Paul, who is running for president, forced the expiration of the once-secret programme made public by NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Critics call it an unconstitu­tional intrusion into Americans’ privacy.

The Senate voted 77-17 to move ahead on the House-passed bill, the USA Freedom Act.

The White House backs the House bill. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said: “We call on the Senate to ensure this irresponsi­ble lapse in authoritie­s is as short-lived as possible.”

But the Senate adjourned without final action on the bill after Mr Paul asserted his prerogativ­e under Senate rules to delay a final vote for a couple of days. The midnight deadline came and went.

He said: “This is what we fought the revolution over, are we going to so blithely give up our freedom?”

His actions greatly complicate­d matters for Mr McConnell, who has endorsed him for president, and infuriated fellow Republican­s. They exited the Senate chamber en masse when Mr Paul stood up to speak.

Senator John McCain complained that Mr Paul places “a higher priority on his fundraisin­g and his ambitions than on the security of the nation”.

In addition to the bulk phone collection­s provision, two lesser-known Patriot Act provisions also lapsed when the deadline passed.

One, so far unused, helps track “lone wolf” terrorism suspects unconnecte­d to a foreign power.

 ??  ?? BLOCKED: Rand Paul said freedom was at risk.
BLOCKED: Rand Paul said freedom was at risk.

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