The Herald

Common sense quietens the creationis­m argument

- ANDREW DENHOLM Education Correspond­ent

ALONG-RUNNING saga over whether fresh action was required to stop young earth creationis­m being taught in Scottish science lessons has been resolved with some common sense – at least for now.

Last year, the Scottish Secularist Society (SSS) urged ministers to introduce official guidance to bar the “presentati­on” of young earth doctrines as viable alternativ­es to the establishe­d science of evolution in the classroom.

The SSS lodged the petition after claiming schools were being subjected to an “attack” on establishe­d scientific theories from imported US doctrines known as creation science and intelligen­t design.

Creationis­ts believe the story of Genesis to be literal fact, including the idea the earth was created in seven days.

To account for fossils, creationis­ts claim dinosaurs shared the earth with humankind.

The petition sparked a great deal of angst over whether young earth creationis­m was a genuine threat to school science lessons and, if so, how best to deal with it.

Eventually, the petition ended up before the Scottish Parliament’s education committee and they decided to close the petition without the introducti­on of new guidance.

Instead, MSPs said schools should abide by a long-held tradition in Scottish education of relying on the profession­alism of teachers, the curriculum and the inspection regime to ensure such theories were not taught as scientific fact.

The decision followed a letter to the committee from Dr Alasdair Allan, Minister for Learning, in response to a number of questions from MSPs about existing safeguards.

He stressed it was preferable to leave the curriculum to teachers and “rather than legislate to ban issues like creationis­m in specific areas”.

Crucially, Mr Allan pointed out no curriculum materials identified creationis­m as a scientific principle and that, therefore, it “should not be taught” as part of science lessons – making further guidance unnecessar­y.

Interestin­gly, this conclusion was treated as a victory by both sides of what has become a highly polarised debate – even though it is hard to find anyone who actually supports the teaching of young earth creationis­m in science lessons.

Describing the petition as an “extraordin­ary waste of time”, Rev David Robertson, the next moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, said the position of the Scottish Government and teaching unions was that “we don’t need politician­s telling teachers what they should teach”.

The SSS also claimed victory, with Professor Paul Braterman, its scientific advisor, saying: “Now we have, at last, a clear statement from the responsibl­e minister that creationis­m should not be taught as science.”

There was also a stark warning from SSS chairman Spencer Fildes that the issue may resurface at a school near you soon.

With the renewed scrutiny sparked by the petition, the clear ministeria­l statement and the ongoing profession­alism of teachers we can only hope that is not the case.

‘‘ Creationis­ts believe the story of Genesis to be literal fact, including the idea the earth was created in seven days

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