The Herald

Disgraced Harris pens song mocking his victims


CONVICTED paedophile Rolf Harris has written a song mocking his victims as money-grabbing “wenches”, it has been reported.

In a letter , the disgraced entertaine­r said his victims were “joining the feeding frenzy” by getting their “hooks into his dough”.

He also said his life behind bars was “no hardship really”.

The 85-year-old was handed a six-year jail term last year for a string of sex attacks on girls as young as seven.

His letter was reportedly sent from Stafford prison to a friend, who handed it to a newspaper.

One line of the song, which Harris says he would like to set to country rock music, reads: “Perhaps you believe you’re pretty still, some perfumed sultry wench?”

Other lines say: “Make him burn, get your 50-year-old hooks into his dough.

“Make him burn, burn, burn. Come and join the feeding frenzy, girls.”

Last month the Crown Prosecutio­n Service was handed a “full file” of evidence about further allegation­s against Harris, according to sources.

He was unmasked as a predatory paedophile when he was found guilty of 12 indecent assaults at Southwark Crown Court last July.

Sentencing judge Mr Justice Sweeney said Harris showed no remorse for his crimes.

He said: “Your reputation lies in ruins, you have been stripped of your honours, but you have no one to blame but yourself.’’

Harris was unanimousl­y found guilty of molesting four girls, including one woman who was just seven or eight at the time and was groped when she asked for his autograph, and another two who fell prey as young teenagers.

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