The Herald

Labour in crisis of identity, say SNP


THE SNP have accused Labour of suffering an “identity crisis” over controvers­ial tax and spending powers for Scotland.

The claim followed a call from one of the party’s candidates to be deputy Scottish leader for an “open discussion” on full fiscal autonomy (FFA).

The SNP also pointed to Labour’s decision to abstain on a vote on FFA in the Commons.

Labour oppose the policy, which would leave the Scottish Government reliant solely on taxes raised in Scotland to meet its spending commitment­s and which experts warn could see Scotland lose billions a year.

The SNP voted for their own amendment and that of a rebel Tory backbenche­r, Sir Edward Leigh.

Both amendments were defeated by the Conservati­ves.

Mr Rowley, the MSP for Cowdenbeat­h, was quoted as saying: “Post-Smith we need to have an open discussion, including about full fiscal autonomy.”

SNP MSP Stewart Maxwell said: “Labour are all over the place on more powers for Scotland – they are facing an identity crisis.”

Labour accused the SNP of hypocrisy for voting with Tory MPs.

Meanwhile, Scots Tory leader Ruth Davidson has warned the SNP’s demand for devolution of a range of business-related taxes would turn Britain into a “tax avoider’s paradise”.

She said the Nationalis­ts’ call for Holyrood to control corporatio­n tax, National Insurance and capital gains tax was a “shambles”.

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