The Herald



“Scotland has far more committed left wingers than England, new analysis has revealed amid speculatio­n that thousands of Scots were radicalise­d during the independen­ce referendum” – Our report on a detailed breakdown of political attitudes north and south of the Border was the subject of a lively online debate: Well, before the Ref and during most of it I described myself as a socialist capitalist, but have moved a bit to the left and would now class myself as a capitalist socialist. Vive la difference – Peter Piper It’s called resentment politics – Matthew Remmington More people who won’t take responsibi­lity for themselves and expect the state to provide for them and their offspring from cradle to grave happy to sit back while others create wealth and prosperity for the country. No surprise – Phil Richards Or people who take the view that humans are essentiall­y social beings who live in communitie­s and thus have some responsibi­lity toward each other? – Alasdair Galloway I am not surprised by this report, most of the SNP supporters want something for nothing, they have been promised so much by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP – Watson Watt Energise at least 45 per cent of the population with facts. Tell them the truth, not lies. Give them access to those facts and figures. Show them how unbalanced and how that imbalance is increasing in society. – Robert Logan We’ve always known that the further north you travel from the Home Counties the further Left the people become – Roy Linton Join the debate at heraldscot­

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