The Herald

Double Crossword




1. Particular way of expressing “seraph”, for example! (4,2,6) 7. Classical huntress changed into a naiad (5) 8. A runner gets nothing for the feast (5) 9. The tailless grouse is an extinct bird! (3) 10. Print paper money and produce a brief record (4,5) 11. It provides a written explanatio­n of the keyboard (6) 12. Fastened securely but escaped (6) 15. In trade arrangemen­t it’s certain to be thought highly of (9) 17. Blade required for beheading the pig (3) 18. The way the undergroun­d system is heard (5) 19. Remove the contents from the sump (5) 21. Have an injection and suffer some irritation (3,3,6)


1. Instrument­s showing mercurial fluctuatio­ns (12) 2. What the hen produces is surplus, we hear (3)

3. Tricks played by the first of the private soldiers (6) 4. Putti n’ on clothes and headdress as an outlaw (5,4) 5. The passage to the mine is indicated by an arrow (5)

6. Regard as efficient - and it’s of some importance (12)

7. Doctor with beard looking haggard (5) 10. It’s upsetting to statesmen, as it reveals sources of income (5,4) 13. Coming from the north, it could be piercing (5) 14. Rocked by world ruler (6) 16. Duel arranged with one point - artfully keep out of the way (5) 20. One card expert (3)

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