The Herald

SNP unveils Brexit tests to decide nation’s future

Five key criteria bring bid for second independen­ce referendum a step closer


NICOLA Sturgeon will today set out five key Brexit tests that could determine whether Scotland faces a second independen­ce referendum within the next two years.

The First Minister will use a major speech in Edinburgh to list the “Scottish interests” she believes must be preserved as the UK withdraws from the Brussels bloc.

They include the need to ensure “Scotland’s voice is heard and our wishes respected” – a reference to the referendum on June 23 when a majority of Scots voted to remain part of the EU.

With the UK Government having already poured cold water on the idea of a Brexit deal that would allow Scotland to remain in the EU, Ms Sturgeon’s words will be seen as bringing a re-run of the 2014 vote a step closer.

The First Minister has previously said “Remain means Remain” and insists independen­ce must be an option for preserving Scotland’s relationsh­ip with the EU.

She believes a second referendum is “highly likely” following Brexit, provided support for independen­ce stays high.

Her key tests will be set out in a speech to the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) think tank.

It comes after Russell Gunson, the head of IPPR Scotland, said Unionists should take the lead in finding options to maintain the country’s relationsh­ip with the EU because the SNP lacked “a genuine commitment to the UK”.

In other developmen­ts yesterday, oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood urged Ms Sturgeon not to call a second independen­ce referendum and Alan Cumming, the actor and Yes campaigner, caused an outcry when he blamed Brexit on “Stupid. English. People.”.

In her speech – titled Scotland’s future in the EU – Ms Sturgeon will reflect on the campaign and the reasons for the result. She will also discuss the Brexit negotiatio­ns, in which the Scottish Government had been promised a role.

The First Minister is expected to say: “I am determined that we find or create the options that best preserve the five key interests that depend on our relationsh­ip with the EU.

“Our democratic interests – the need to make sure Scotland’s voice is heard and our wishes respected.

“Our economic interests – safeguardi­ng free movement of labour, access to a single market of 500 million people and the funding that our farmers and universiti­es depend on.

“Our interests in social protection – ensuring the continued protection of workers’ and wider human rights.

“Our interest in solidarity – the ability of independen­t nations to come together for the common good of all our citizens, to tackle crime and terrorism and deal with global challenges like climate change.

“And our interest in having influence – making sure that we don’t just have to abide by the rules of the single market but also have a say in shaping them.”

Ms Sturgeon will promise to “explore every avenue and every option” for meeting the five tests.

But Murdo Fraser, the Scots Tories’ finance spokesman, urged her to rule out independen­ce: “It is right that the Scottish Government should be examining how best to further our interests as the UK begins negotiatio­ns with the EU.

“However, as two million Scots agreed in 2014, leaving the UK is not in Scotland’s interests, and the Scottish Government should therefore end its flirtation with yet another divisive referendum on independen­ce.”

In a Sunday newspaper article, Mr Gunson wrote: “It is those across the UK who do not wish to see Scottish independen­ce, or those open to exploring all the options, who will need to come forward with other options.”

He said Ms Sturgeon’s government was “certainly giving the impression of being up for exploring all the options, but without a genuine commitment in the rest of the UK”.

In a message for the UK Government he said it would be impossible to find a “tailored approach to Brexit” without considerin­g reform of Britain as a whole.

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