The Herald

Levy may make one in 10 firms cut apprentice­s


ACUTE skills shortages in Scotland are holding back businesses across all regions, according to this year’s CBI/ Pearson Education and Skills survey.

The UK-wide survey of nearly 500 companies, 186 in Scotland, was completed before the EU referendum and shows firms anticipati­ng a growing skills gap.

The Apprentice­ship Levy is a particular worry, with firms wanting the flexibilit­y to deliver the training they need while getting their money back if they show commitment to long-term investment in skills. One in 10 say they are likely to cut numbers of apprentice­ships to meet levy costs.

Over three quarters of businesses operating in Scotland expect to have more jobs for people with higher-level skills over the coming years, and 70per cent will need more people with leadership and management skills..

Firms in Scotland are committed to developing talent in-house: with only 38per cent of training done externally, the majority use an in-house dedicated training and developmen­t budget (82per cent), mentoring and coaching opportunit­ies (76per cent) or support employees to study part-time (70per cent)

But there is a concern about future shortages: over two-thirds of businesses in Scotland (69per cent) are not confident about filling their high-skilled jobs in future.

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