The Herald

‘Blue-light police car’ driver is facing jail over stunt


A DRIVER who donned a hi-viz jacket and activated blue flashing lights in his car identical to those used by police – forcing another motorist to pull over – is facing jail for impersonat­ing a police officer.

Dawid Weclawik carried out the bizarre stunt – forcing Blair Shaw, 20, to pull over fearing he was in trouble from real officers.

A lighting unit discovered in Weclawik’s car was found to be able to perform the same lighting patterns as official police equipment.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard the 30-year-old appeared suddenly behind Mr Shaw on Dundee’s Coupar Angus Road shortly after midnight on June 28.

Fiscal depute Alan Kempton said: “The complainer saw the accused’s vehicle approach behind his vehicle very quickly. The accused then travelled very close to the complainer’s car, causing him to slow down and put on hazard lights. The complainer then saw blue and red flashing lights illuminate­d from the accused’s vehicle, which continued to travel closely behind.”

Mr Shaw and his passenger both believed they were being tailed by police so pulled over – only for Weclawik to pull alongside and shout something “unclear” at them.

He then drove off at speed – causing suspicious Mr Shaw to contact police.

Weclawik, 30, of Ancrum Court, Dundee, pleaded guilty to impersonat­ing a police officer with intent to deceive while driving a car on the A923 Coupar Angus Road on June 28. Sentence was deferred until next month for social work background reports and Weclawik was ordered to forfeit the lighting unit.

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