The Herald



25 YEARS AGO A bronze by the renowned sculptor Benno Schotz was presented to Glasgow yesterday – 10 years late. It had been Dr Schotz’s intention to gift the bronze as a gesture of his gratitude for being given the Freedom of the City in 1981. However a combinatio­n of circumstan­ces interfered with his plan and the sculptor died in 1984 without making the presentati­on. The sculptor’s 14-year-old granddaugh­ter, Avigail, flew from Los Angeles to join trustees of the estate in presenting the 5ft 6in welded bronze, named Dedication, to Lord Provost Susan Baird. 50 YEARS AGO The 30-year-old Cunarder Queen Mary has made her fastest crossing of the Atlantic since she took the speed record from the Normandy in 1938, passing Bishop Rock off the Scilly Isles, at 9.25 last night to complete the crossing from New York in four days, three hours. This gave her an average speed of 29.8 knots. 100 YEARS AGO Italy’s declaratio­n of war against Germany and Roumania’s decision to intervene in the campaign against Austria-Hungary are conclusive evidence that the war has entered on a new and, let us hope, a final phase. Both Italy and Roumania have acted with great deliberati­on, and the attitude they have now assumed can only be interprete­d as meaning that any incertitud­e which attached to the issue of the mighty conflict has now been entirely dissipated. 150 YEARS AGO Victoria Gardens, Govanhill-It will be seen from our advertisin­g columns that these beautiful gardens are to be thrown open, at almost a nominal charge, to the public on Saturday first, on the occasion of their Autumn Flower Show and Promenade. These are possibly the most finely situated allotment gardens in the neighbourh­ood of Glasgow, both for site and command of scenery.

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