The Herald

Knox insists: ‘I am not a terrible monster’


A WOMAN cleared of the murder of a British student in Italy nine years ago has insisted she is not a “terrible monster” as she promoted a new documentar­y exploring the case.

American-born Amanda Knox was convicted and imprisoned with Raffaele Sollecito for the 2007 murder of Miss Kercher, a 21-year-old student from Surrey, but after appeals and retrials they were acquitted last year by Italy’s highest court.

She is now the subject of a Netflix documentar­y, entitled Amanda Knox, which features interviews with her ex-boyfriend Mr Sollecito and Italian prosecutor Giuliano Mignini.

Appearing on Good Morning America, Ms Knox, 29, of Seattle, said she wanted to be involved in the film to show the “nightmare” she had been through. I think I’m trying to explain what it feels like to be wrongfully convicted – to either be this terrible monster or to be this regular person who is vulnerable,” she said.

“What I’m trying to convey is that a regular person like me – just a kid who was studying abroad, who loves languages – could be caught up in this nightmare where they’re portrayed as something that they’re not. There remains the fact I’m in a unique position as an exoneree. Once an exoneree always an exoneree. I can’t go back to my life that I had before, and neither can the other exonerees out there.”

Ms Knox insisted she was not paid to be involved in the documentar­y IT is The Herald’s policy to correct errors as soon as we can and all correction­s and clarificat­ions will usually appear on this page.

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