The Herald

Depression and anxiety increasing in young women


THERE has been an alarming rise in rates of anxiety and depression among young women in the age of social media, experts warn.

More than a quarter (26 per cent) of women aged 16 to 24 are suffering worrying symptoms – the rate for men the same age is nine per cent.

Between a fifth and a quarter of them have also selfharmed compared to 10 per cent of men the same age.

The figures, contained in a report published by NHS Digital, found the rate at which young women are experienci­ng common mental health disorder symptoms (CMD) is increasing rapidly compared to young men.

In 1993, young women were twice as likely as young men to exhibit CMD symptoms, but they are now three times more likely.

CMD symptoms include irritabili­ty, worrying, depression, anxiety, feelings of panic, compulsion and trouble sleeping.

The study found that while rates of severe CMD symptoms are falling among young men, they are rising among young women (from almost 10 per cent in 1993 to 15 per cent in 2014).

Women, aged 16 to 24, are also the most likely to drink at hazardous levels compared to women in other age groups – 26 per cent having done so.

Sally McManus, lead author of the study, from the National Centre for Social Research, said women aged 16 to 24 had “very high rates” of anxiety and depression.

She said it was known women suffer due to violence and abuse, but added young women in the study are the “first cohort to come of age in social media ubiquity ... this is the context they are coming into and it warrants further investigat­ion.”

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