The Herald

Jury is urged to convict the man accused of 1998 Chhokar killing


A PROSECUTOR has urged a jury to convict Ronnie Coulter of the murder of a restaurant worker 18 years ago.

Mr Coulter, 48, from Wishaw, denies murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar in Overtown, North Lanarkshir­e on November 4, 1998 by stabbing him.

At the High Court in Glasgow advocate depute Alex Prentice, QC, said in his closing speech: “On November 4, 1998 Surjit Singh Chhokar made his way home from his work with a bottle of juice and a takeaway meal, doubtless looking forward to a pleasant evening.

“He was confronted in the dark by three men. He was attacked, stabbed, killed, murdered and left in the street.”

Mr Prentice added: “I say to you the person responsibl­e for that is Ronnie Coulter.

“I ask you to convict Ronnie Coulter of the murder of Surjit Singh Chhokar.”

Mr Prentice told the jury that they perform an important public function and urged them to put aside any emotion and not to speculate, but decide the case on the facts.

He added: “This is a tragic tale. This man’s death occurred simply because Surjit Singh Chhokar’s flat was broken into and his Giro cheque stolen. The incident which led to his death lasted only a couple of minutes if that, yet we have occupied four weeks exploring the events.”

The QC also urged the jury to ignore the fact there have been two previous trials.

Andrew Coulter, Mr Coulter’s nephew, and David Montgomery are blamed by him for the killing.

Both gave evidence in the trial and admitted being present at the scene, but denied murder.

Mr Prentice told the jurors it would be suggested by the defence that there was a conspiracy against Ronnie Coulter in order to get him convicted of murder.

Referring to the pair, he said: “Andrew Coulter is a killer who carries a knife. He pleaded guilty to culpable homicide of a man by stabbing him on the leg.

“Does that mean he stabbed Surjit Singh Chhokar? No it doesn’t.

“There is a theme in cross-examinatio­n that he was seeking to divert blame from his uncle Ronnie for revenge or whatever.

“Andrew Coulter flatly denies having a knife that night and flatly denies stabbing Chhokar.”

Mr Prentice asked the jury: “What was Ronnie Coulter’s reason for being there? David Montgomery provided the lift and there was a dispute between Andrew Coulter and Surjit Singh Chhokar. Andrew Coulter had stolen and cashed his Giro.”

Donald Findlay, Mr Coulter’s QC, said the trial had heard from “atrocious witnesses” who were “determined to say what they wanted to say for their own personal reasons”.

He is due to finish his closing speech today. The trial continues.

 ??  ?? SURJIT SINGH CHHOKAR: Was killed in November 1998.
SURJIT SINGH CHHOKAR: Was killed in November 1998.

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