The Herald

Tourists to be flown back to UKfrom Gambia


NEARLY 1,000 holidaymak­ers on Thomas Cook packages in Gambia are to be flown home amid growing concerns about political unrest in the west African nation.

The holiday company said it had triggered contingenc­y plans after the Foreign Office (FCO) urged Britons to avoid all non-essential travel to the winter destinatio­n.

A 90-day state of emergency has been declared in the country, where political deadlock has led to a “high” risk of military interventi­on and civil disturbanc­e, the FCO said.

The country’s president, Yahya Jammeh, has refused to hand over power after losing an election and on Tuesday banned “any acts of disobedien­ce” while urging security forces to maintain order. A group of west African nations has threatened to take military action if Mr Jammeh does not cede power to his successor, Adama Barrow, by a deadline later this week.

The Associatio­n of British Travel Agents (Abta) estimates there are about 2,000 people currently on holiday with its members in Gambia, while an additional number will have travelled there independen­tly.

Abta advised British tourists on package holidays to contact their tour operator to arrange return flights, while anyone who has travelled independen­tly should speak to their airline.

It is understood that at least one flight carrying British holidaymak­ers flew to Gambia as recently as Tuesday.

A passenger-less flight departed Manchester to Gambia yesterday to bring the first groups of holidaymak­ers home.

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