The Herald

Fisherman in warning over rise in deadly weevers


A FISHERMAN who was stung by a deadly weever fish is warning the public about the rise in the number of them he is seeing along the coast.

The poisonous four-inch fish is lurking in coastal waters around the UK, sometimes lying in the sand above the water line while its venomous spines stick upward.

Bill Thorburn, 66, of Kirkcaldy, Fife, was stung on the arm when he accidental­ly picked one up.

And the resulting pain and swelling was so severe he went immediatel­y to the hospital, where he was told by medics he could have had a heart attack.

He said: “Most fishermen know about them, but other folk probably don’t.

“When I’m out digging for worms, I might see maybe two of them a year, but this year I’ve seen five and it’s not even summer.

“I want to warn people about it, as they are horrible little things. They look like nice enough wee things, but they are quite dangerous.

He said: “I was stung about two years ago. I picked it up thinking it was a sand eel and it stung me. “It was excruciati­ng. My arm swelled right up and I knew quite quickly that I would need to go to the hospital.

“They told me it could have caused a heart attack so I was quite lucky.”

The sandy-coloured weaver looks like any other fish, but has a distinctiv­e set of black spines just above its head.

Fife Coastal Ranger Ranald Strachan said that anyone concerned over a reaction to a weever sting should seek medical attention.

He added: “It is one of the most poisonous fish in the UK. It’s best to wear flip flops or water shoes.”

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