The Herald

My bankrupt brother fears he won’t get his share of father’s estate


MY father has three children including myself, and made me executor of his will. One son – my brother – has been made bankrupt and is concerned I won’t give him his share of father’s estate when he dies. I have been reading some of the responsibi­lities I have as an executor and I have discovered that if I allow a bankrupt person to receive his money from a will I will be liable for his debts? I think my brother will want me to lie and I do not want to get involved.

Your father would be best to change the will while your brother is bankrupt, as his trustee will be able to claim the money during the bankruptcy period if he dies then. He can change it back again once son is clear. But don’t panic – when acting as an executor, you would usually be legally represente­d unless the estate is very small, and your solicitor at the time a) can keep you right, and b) won’t allow anything underhand to happen.

WHILE employed at a bank, I used its free will service. These wills appoint the bank as executors. We have changed our minds and want our daughter to be our executor. We have written and signed this on our existing wills and also had this witnessed/signed by one person. Will this change be legal and have we done enough to ensure our wishes be carried out?

The change is legal but I suggest you do completely new wills, appointing daughter as executor and adding in the clause “I revoke all prior wills and testamenta­ry provisions” before signing and having them witnessed. This negates the previous will.

I HAVE sold my first-floor flat and due to damp repairs needed the new owner asked that I deduct this from the sale price which I did. As repairs are communal I passed on the damp report and quote to my downstairs neighbour with details of how much her share is. Although the home report and new tenants surveyor both agreed there is damp and agreed on price of repairs she is still disputing the fact she doesn’t think there is damp. What next?

It is up to the new owner to get the repairs done. Your liability was just to deduct the cost from the price. Ask your solicitor to confirm this. As you no longer have an interest in the flat, you would not be able to sue for the neighbour’s share, and the buyer may be reluctant to do it but it is up to them.

I had an accident at work where a fellow member of staff and I were carrying a kitchen unit carcass down stairs. I asked him if he was ready he said yes, then his end of the item slipped from his grip. The next thing I know I am at the bottom of the stair in terrible pain with damage to my knees and back.

If your colleague was negligent, and more so if he had not received adequate training, supervisio­n and/or equipment, your employers will be liable for compensati­on to cover your pain and suffering, and loss of earnings. but see a solicitor for more detailed analysis.

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