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‘I’m so flattered to be known as Demelza,’ says Tomlinson

- GEMMA DUNN The War Of The Worlds starts on BBC One tomorrow at 9pm

WHEN Eleanor Tomlinson signed up to star in a brooding drama set in 18th-century Cornwall, she had no idea the impact it would have on her life. Rewind to 2015 and the then-21year-old unknown would play heroine Demelza in the TV adaptation of Winston Graham’s novels, Poldark, the servant-turned-wife of Aidan Turner’s Captain Ross Poldark.

It was a career-igniting role – and duet – that wooed viewers for five seasons, winning Baftas and culminatin­g with a series finale this August that drew in an average of 4.1 million-plus viewers. Quite the achievemen­t.

Now aged 27, and having stepped out of her alter-ego’s shadow (other than still sporting the dyed red hair she adopted for the part), Tomlinson is keen to forge her own path. One she hopes is free from typecastin­g.

“I’m trying my best to force it to change,” Tomlinson explains. “I’m trying to get as many different roles as I can under my belt, different characters, different periods. But I’m so flattered to be known as Demelza,” she’s quick to add. “I love the fact I have that behind me.”

“It’s opened so many doors in terms of what’s available now, things I’ll be seen for that I wouldn’t have been seen for before,” she insists.

Her latest outing is in the BBC’s highly anticipate­d The War Of The Worlds adaptation, a three-part TV reworking written by Doctor Who’s Peter Harness and directed by the notable Craig Viveiros.

Tomlinson joins Rafe Spall, Robert Carlyle and Rupert Graves in recreating HG Wells’ sci-fi story about the battle to save Earth from a martian invasion. Remarkably it’s the first revision (there’s seven in total – from Jeff Wayne’s musical version through to Stephen Spielberg’s Hollywood blockbuste­r) that’s true to its intended Edwardian era.

“It does seem crazy that it’s never been set in its time!” says Tomlinson, speaking from the green room ahead of the show’s UK premiere. “Ours feels particular­ly current, in terms of taking the writing and adapting it to a modern audience.

“You now have a female leading it, whereas she’s not particular­ly present in the book,” explains the Londoner.

“There’s so much they can do now, in terms of CGI, that it’s almost crazy not to set it in the time in which it was written; it’s that perfect mix of old meets futuristic.”

Tomlinson plays Amy, a fierce twenty-something who faces the prejudices of society as she attempts to start a life with George (Spall), all the while swerving the ongoing chaos outside.

The “refreshing” decision to put Amy front and centre of the narrative was a huge appeal.

“She’s a strong female character that’s breaking the mould of her time,” reasons the star, whose credits also include the troubled Mary Durrant in Agatha Christie’s Ordeal by Innocence. “She’s strong, she’s independen­t, she’s got her own thoughts and feelings and she strives for that.”

“She has this scientific brain and she wants to study, but she’s a single woman living with a married man, at a time in history when women weren’t allowed to study...” she tails off.

“To think that women, at one point, weren’t allowed to read books is horrifying. Thank God we are where we are now, but we are because of these women that fought against the system.”

But it’s still relative today, she adds: “In different countries we’re still seeing this control over women.

“But in terms of this industry, we’re seeing much more strong female roles coming out and that’s incredibly important. It’s much more interestin­g for us, as actresses, when we get a script and go, ‘Oh great, I’ve got something to do, I don’t have to wait for someone to rescue me!’

“You need women to be able to have a personalit­y other than to just be the damsel in distress, it’s important.”

Other than the period in which they preside, is it fair to say that Demelza and Amy, both progressiv­e and powerful, are not too dissimilar?

“If you play a character for five years, you’re bound to leave with bits of her,” Tomlinson responds. “When I read scripts I think, ‘Well, where does this go? What kind of character is it? Who is she? Is she independen­t of a male? Is she strong in her own right?’”

“In a lot of historical pieces, it’s in the adaptation, it’s how you portray the women,” she figures. “You can be a beaten down, you can be a woman that’s under the thumb of a man, but it doesn’t make you the side piece.”

Next, Tomlinson will tackle two further sci-fi series. “One is Intergalac­tic, in which I’m playing a drug mule and addict in space, so it’s different!” she teases.

“It’s amazing because doing something like Poldark and it being successful gives you the confidence to try something else,” she adds. “I don’t know if I’m doing alright but I’m trying; it’s fun and it’s really nice to push myself and break down those barriers, even within myself.”

The other one is an HBO series of Joss Whedon’s called The Nevers, “which is amazing fun. And then I’ve got a film called Love. Wedding. Repeat, which is a comedy.

“I was really nervous about doing that, actually, because we have Joel Fry, Aisling Bea – Oh my God I love her so much – and Tim Key, so these incredibly funny people, and then me!”

 ??  ?? Eleanor Tomlinson and Rafe Spall in the new BBC adaptation of The War of the Worlds
Eleanor Tomlinson and Rafe Spall in the new BBC adaptation of The War of the Worlds

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