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How to get youngsters interested in houseplant­s


AS a father of three children under six, TV gardener David Domoney knows only too well how important it is for him – and the kids – to get into the garden to de-stress. But as well as introducin­g his children to outdoor plants, he’s found that involving them in growing plants indoors also helps boost their mood and stimulates their interest in mother nature.

Now, he has written My House Plant Changed My Life, which aims to help people realise the wellbeing power of the houseplant, and offers suggestion­s on how to get children involved in growing indoor plants from an early age.

“In this day and age, technology is absorbing our kids’ minds more than ever. More time is spent on smartphone­s, tablets, computers and plasma screens and it’s sucking the connection with nature out of humanity. Yet there’s a feeling that kids want more interactio­n with nature,” says Domoney, co-presenter of ITV’s Love Your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh.

So which houseplant­s suits which ages?


As they come out of the terrible twos, young children could be encouraged to water plants, Domoney suggests, as they may want to participat­e in what their parents are doing and emulate their behaviour. Seeing their parents looking after plants gives them something to aspire to, he notes.

“Use different varieties, like living stones (lithops) and fleshy succulents like aloe. Just make sure they don’t put any of the plant in their mouth. Teach them that plants are to look after and care for.”

Treat your little one to a tiny watering can to help them on their way, he suggests. “It helps to develop an idea of nurture – that you care for these plants and they grow. There’s a reliance on the person that is handling it and you are teaching an element of dexterity, like balance with the can, interactio­n with water – it’s more than play.”


When dexterity and developmen­t are rapidly progressin­g, children can be encouraged to look after plants for themselves, unsupervis­ed, says Domoney. “There are fun, curious plants they can have on their own windowsill­s, like the polka dot plant (Hypoestes phyllostac­hya), a lovely pink-splashed plant.

“It’s also an ideal time to teach them how to propagate their own plants by taking cuttings. It might involve pulling a leaf off a jade plant and putting it in an eggcup of water on the windowsill, seeing it root and potting it up. Done in the right way, that plant could be with them on their shelves and windowsill­s at university.”

“Tweens then give the plants they propagate to Grandma, Grandpa, school teacher, best friend,” he continues. “The art of growing and giving is an important lesson for children. Giving is one of the key components of happiness. Success, achievemen­t, sharing, fascinatio­n and amazement that things are growing, are incredibly positive for the mind at that age.”


By now they are old enough to be able to grow plants, but to keep their interest they may need to be amazed by them, says

Domoney. “Plants with personalit­y that take the relationsh­ip further on than just the growing and the cutting, encourage you to interact – plants like the Venus fly trap, and Mimosa pudica, which closes up when you touch it.

“The prayer plant (maranta) closes its leaves up at night and then opens up the next day – this type of interactio­n creates the fascinatio­n. They will share that with their friends.

“You go from just caring for the plant to loving and being fascinated by it.”

Your children may still have the cacti they had when they were younger, but where there’s a history, the plant will be worth more to them mentally, now, and there’s an obligation to keep it going, he adds.


Your teens may want cool architectu­ral plants to give them adult style and kudos, encouragin­g them to share their favourites on social media, says Domoney. “Being cool and having cool plants around like yucca, dragon trees and palms in the bedroom is perceived to gain respect.” My House Plant Changed My Life, David Domoney, £9.99.

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TV gardener David Domoney with his three children
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