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Choose a rose that will live on well beyond Valentine’s Day...


ABUNCH of roses may spell romance to some on Valentine’s Day, but the way to a gardener’s heart is often a living rose – one that will last way beyond February 14.

Roses are in their dormant state at this time of year, so as bare-root or potted plants they may not look their prettiest in winter, but if you plant the right rose in the right place, it should give the roots time to establish, so you’ll have a plethora of blooms come summer.

Robert Wharton, managing director of Whartons Garden Roses (, says: “When choosing a rose, consider where they might go in the garden. They prefer a sunny, well-drained spot.

“A patio rose, compact hybrid tea or floribunda are good options as these give the recipient more choice over positionin­g. If the rose will be planted towards the back of a border, scent isn’t such an issue but pick a variety that repeats flowers quickly and freely, such as the Precious Roses.

“If planting near a seating area, choose a fragrant variety such as ‘Timeless Charisma’. When buying roses at this time of year check the compost is moist and weedfree.

“Roses are very hardy and as long as they are kept outside and not allowed to dry out, they don’t need to be planted immediatel­y.

“If planting in the ground, make sure it isn’t frozen. If planting in a pot, pick one at least 35cm in diameter and use a loam-based compost such as John Innes No3 – your local garden centres will be able to advise you.”



Rosa ‘With Love’: This cool ivory floribunda will look great in any setting, whether in a pot or planted in the garden. Its full height is only 60cm, so even if you only have room for one potted rose, this should fit the bill, or you could buy a number of plants to put in the front or middle of your flower border. It has good disease resistance and its scent is subtle, so better for people who find the more fragrant types a little overpoweri­ng.


Rosa ‘Lots of Kisses’: This patio rose with lightly scented orange red flowers and heartshape­d petals grows just 60cm x 60cm and flowers repeatedly from June well into autumn. The flowers are perfect for posy style arrangemen­ts. (£10.99, 3 litre pot, ashwoodnur­


Rosa ‘Love Knot’: You can grow this gorgeous climber in a large pot on your patio, and it will happily scale trellises up to a height of 2m, so ideal for urban gardeners who want to make the most of their vertical space. The stunning red blooms are lightly scented and should give you flowers all summer, into autumn.

(£12.95, 4 litre pot, britishros­


Rosa ‘Crimson Shower’: Who could resist a gorgeous rambling rose that can cascade over walls, arches and even the front of your house, producing a mass of showstoppi­ng crimson blooms?

It’s easy to train and will begin to flower in summer and, if you look after it, those crimson flowers should continue until September. It may not be available till midFebruar­y, but this is a gift worth waiting for.

(£18.50, for bare root rose, davidausti­


Rosa ‘Precious Love’:

Floribunda roses are renowned for their hardiness along with their showy, perfumed blooms, and this one is no exception. This repeat-flowering floribunda bears lightly scented poppy-red flowers through summer and well into autumn, reaching heights of 70cm x 70cm. Others include Precious Ruby. (£31.99, potted gift rose, countrygar­den

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