The Herald - The Herald Magazine

Made in Lanarkshir­e


(W&N, £9.99)

Journalist Deborah Orr died of breast cancer in 2019 aged 57, leaving behind this precious account of growing up in Motherwell in the 1960s and 1970s. Her troubled relationsh­ip with her parents, particular­ly her mother, who was given to explosive rages and harsh punishment­s, is the core of her book. Her father, who worked at Ravenscrai­g, was a quieter person than his wife, but had a cruel streak himself and did nothing to curb her. Orr remembers them as narcissist­s, and the atmosphere she grew up in as one of “performati­ve anger”, her parents’ mixture of self-regard and self-loathing mirrored in the community around them, where the optimism of the post-war high-rise housing schemes was permeated with social conservati­sm and sectariani­sm. Both as a family memoir, in which Orr wrests back control of her life’s narrative from her mother, and as a social history of industrial Scotland sliding into inexorable decline, it’s superb.

OUR FATHERS Rebecca Wait

(riverrun, £8.99)

The Scottish island of Litta is a fittingly bleak setting for Rebecca Wait’s third novel. In the 1990s, Katrina goes there to raise a family with her husband, John, whose outward appearance as a quiet, devoted husband conceals something far more sinister and dangerous. One day, John kills his family and himself, leaving only his eight-year-old son Tommy alive. At the age of 31, Tommy comes back to Litta, asking to stay at his uncle Malcolm’s while he tries to come to terms with the trauma from which he has never been able to move on. His return is the cue for a re-examinatio­n of the past, with no easy answers in sight, and stirs up guilt and fear in the community he left behind. Waits’ stark prose traces a grim but compassion­ate story, an unsettling exploratio­n of masculinit­y and domestic violence which is neverthele­ss compelling, haunting and hard to put down.

AMNESTY Aravind Adiga

(Picador, £8.99)

As a bushfire spreads a pall of smoke across Sydney, Danny is faced with a dilemma. A Sri Lankan who has been living as an illegal alien since dropping out of college and seeing his asylum applicatio­n rejected, he works as a cleaner. When one of his clients is murdered, and Danny is certain he knows the killer’s identity, he has to decide whether to report his suspicions to the police at the risk of being deported. While Danny weighs up the threat the murderer poses to him, the Booker-winning Adiga, an Australian, highlights the contradict­ions in the immigratio­n policies of a country whose economy depends on immigrants. His palpable anger heightenin­g the sense of urgency around Danny’s plight, Adiga gives voice to the tens of thousands living invisible lives, investing Danny’s incisive observatio­ns of the society around him with a close understand­ing of how Australia treats its immigrants.

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