The Herald - The Herald Magazine



THERE is even more panto fun to be had with Pantomoniu­m. It’s a show which manages to squeeze almost every panto trope created into one fantastic production.

Organised by the Theatre Royal’s Creative learning team, Summer on Stage, is a two-week performing arts programme to give budding performers between the ages of 7-17 years the opportunit­y to learn while creating a show, make friends, and build confidence.

And here’s how the story runs; There’s panic in Glasgow’s Pantoland! Everything is going missing and no-one is able to live happily ever after. The most wicked baddie in the kingdom is causing mischief, and the magic fairy needs a hero to save the day, in the form of the ultimate supergrann­y – Wee Senga!

Along with her grandkids Silly Billy and Silly Millie, the trio head on a quest through Pantoland to fix the fairy tale fiasco. Will

Aladdin get to rub the lamp? Will the pumpkin become a carriage? And will Sleeping Beauty ever awaken? Our heroes must save the day, with some help from a magic wand, and Senga’s bag of messages.

“Packed with all the things you might expect in a panto – your favourite panto characters, musical hits, sidesplitt­ing comedy, and of course, a lot of ‘boos’ and ‘hisses’. Promoting an original script, it’s a true love letter to Glasgow and to panto,” say the producers.

Alison Cowan, Senior Creative Learning Manager, said: “There is nothing quite like the buzz in the theatre when the young company takes to the stage. The camaraderi­e that develops over the course of the project, the friendship­s, skills and confidence that grows is great to see and we are delighted to have them back after such a long wait” Pantomoniu­m, July 22-23, the Theatre Royal, Glasgow.

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