The Herald - The Herald Magazine

The Great Stariski


Rab Wilson’s poem is about miner Johnny Stariski, famed for doing a handstand on the top girder of the Barony Colliery ‘A’ Frame at Auchinleck.

The Great Stariski

(A legend o the Barony Colliery)

The Great Stariski maks his entrance bow,

Poised oan the Cross-beam o the vast ‘A’ Frame;

He aiblins sees imaginary crowds, Gawpin at his daith-defyin stunts. Mair’s a hunner feet up in the air, Nae spider’s wab o safety-net is strung,

Tae sauf him frae unsocht oblivion.

The Great Stariski luiks tae aa the airts,

Sic magick tricks depend upon their ritual,

An curtly bobs tae each pynt o the compass;

Tae the north, Ben Lomond’s silhouette,

Tae the west, Goat Fell oan Arran’s isle,

Tae the east, ayont Muirkirk, Cairn Table,

Tae the sooth, Sweet Afton’s bonny glen.

The Great Stariski birls an pirouettes,

Then, tae admirin glances frae ablow,

Syne gangs tapselteer­ie, heelstergo­udie,

Stauns oan his haunds, disdainfu o the risks,

An lauchs oot lood in life-affirmin joy

At aa thae wee black specks doun oan the grunn.

The Great Stariski, balanced oan his girder,

Seems tentless o his parlous circumstan­ce;

Up here he’s free, can rax an touch the heivins,

An feel the wuin an rain upon his face.

The Great Stariski leeves athin the moment,

Taks in his queer inversion o the warld,

Syne wi some skeelie dancer’s gracefu mien,

Lichtlies doun as saft as thistledow­n;

Dichts doun his stoorie, creashy overalls,

Sets at a jaunty sklent his auld pit helmet,

Recoups his yirdlie equilibriu­m, Descends the ledder – an’s mortal aince agane.

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