The Herald on Sunday

Voices on ... Ukip’s leader


“It has become clear that I do not have sufficient authority, nor the full support of all my MEP colleagues and party officers, to implement changes I believe necessary and upon which I based my campaign. For personal and profession­al reasons therefore, I will not take the election process further.”

Ukip leader Diane James resigns

“I always thought that Diane was too fragile for the stresses and strains of the leadership of a fractious body like Ukip. Being a party leader, particular­ly of a small party like Ukip ... is a hugely time-consuming and stressful job.”

Neil Hamilton, Welsh Ukip leader

“It was to be expected, really. Ukip are the party of Leavers. They appeal to ‘the left behind’ ... The truth is that the spectre of Farage hovers over Ukip all too ominously. He may have ridden off into the sunset, but like North Korea’s Kim Il-sung, he remains the supreme leader, and his portrait beams from every wall.”

Benedict Spence, The Independen­t

“I’ve done my bit. It’s a pretty rotten job being leader of any political party and I think being leader of Ukip is probably more rotten than all the others ... No, I’m not coming back, I’m retired. Not for $10 million ... I keep trying to escape ... and before I’m finally free they drag me back.”

Nigel Farage steps into the interim leadership role

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