The Herald on Sunday

Half-empty Hampden overshadow­s a full-hearted fracas

Entertaini­ng contest provides hope and glory but is let down by scheduling choice. By Neil Cameron


ASEA of red and blue filled Hampden Park yesterday. Unfortunat­ely this colourful aquatic collage was made up of empty seats and not supporters. I counted 26 rows that had not a single soul sitting there and that didn’t include the upper tier of the main stand, which was also closed. The game was beamed around the world.

Any cup semi-final deserves to be played at the best venue available and with a kick-off time as convenient as possible. Yesterday felt like a schoolboy internatio­nal at times rather than a major cup tie that would see the winners through to the first final of this season.

Morton apparently wanted this game to take place at the national stadium. With every due respect, they were wrong. As were those clueless bureaucrat­s who decided playing this match a little after noon at a stadium far, far too big, which just happened to be a three-hour drive from one of the teams’ home grounds, meaning many of the fans would have to be on the road at 8am, was a bright idea.

It was remarkable so many turned up. A crowd of 16,183 were there. The good news is they were entertaine­d.

But the fact this wasn’t played at Easter Road with a kick-off closer to 1.30pm is just another of the barrage of stupid decisions made by those who govern our game. There will be reasons and excuses for such a misguided call. There always are.

I’d like to know what sponsors Betfred, who are at least putting money into the game, thought of it.

However, both teams deserve a

huge amount of credit for ignoring the wide open spaces in the stands and making the most of the wide open spaces on the pitch. This was one of the better semi-finals of recent years, even if the fairytale didn’t quite happen.

Morton came closer than many would have suspected to reaching their first final since 1963.

Aberdeen won and deservedly so, however the Championsh­ip outfit played well, had one great chance and the first all-important game-changing goal shouldn’t have counted.

Adam Rooney was offside when he headed the ball in after 70 minutes. The assistant needed to get that one right.

It was a harsh blow to inflict on a Morton team brilliantl­y set-up by Jim Duffy, who could not have given any more.

If only Jai Quitongo had taken an excellent opportunit­y near the end of the first half, if only the 19-year-old striker had put his overhead kick on target at 0-0, if only they could have held on for another 10 minutes when the nerves would have been felt by all in red.

The match was settled when Kenny McLean tapped home the second with minutes remaining after good work from Niall McGinn against a shattered Morton defence.

Some Aberdeen fans this season have been calling for Derek McInnes to be sacked, which is ridiculous. They seem to have backed off their protests of late as their team have hit some great form and are winning again.

McInnes knows what he is doing and the Aberdeen support should be grateful they have him for now.

As for Morton and Duffy, another manager under-valued by the hard of thinking, keep an eye out for them to make a bid for the Championsh­ip play-offs. They have enough talent there to give anyone in their league a game.

However, it was Aberdeen’s day and they get a chance to add to the League Cup won in 2014. No matter whom they face in the final, it’s going to be an occasion to look forward to. There is a lot of talent at Pittodrie and maybe, just maybe, their name is on the cup.

They were tested here but came through well, kept to their game-plan and showed selfconfid­ence in themselves to get over the line.

So well done Aberdeen and well done Morton as well. As for those who are charged with running our game, could you please, just once, make a sensible decision?

As for Morton and Jim Duffy, keep an eye out for them to make a bid for the play-offs

 ??  ?? Aberdeen striker Adam Rooney nods home his side’s opener as a spirited Morton side succumbed to a 2-0 defeat at Hampden
Aberdeen striker Adam Rooney nods home his side’s opener as a spirited Morton side succumbed to a 2-0 defeat at Hampden
 ?? Photograph: SNS ??
Photograph: SNS

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