The Herald on Sunday

Communitie­s’ bid for oil pollution fund is rejected


APLEA for a new multimilli­on pound fund to compensate coastal communitie­s in Scotland and across Europe for environmen­tal damage from oil spills has been rejected by the internatio­nal body which awards damages. At a meeting in London last week, the 114-nation Internatio­nal Oil Pollution Compensati­on Funds (IOPCF) refused to back a bid led by a Shetland councillor representi­ng more than 150 coastal and island communitie­s from 28 countries.

Jonathan Wills, an independen­t councillor from Bressay, argued that a new fund was needed because compensati­on for the damage that oil pollution does to nature was rarely paid. He was speaking on behalf of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions.

IOPCF delegates, however, disagreed. “Whilst the issues raised provided food for thought, there was no support for the proposal to consider creating an additional fund for claims for environmen­tal damage,” concluded the official record of last week’s meeting.

Wills was disappoint­ed that delegates didn’t back his bid, but encouraged by the feedback he had received. “Victims of marine oil pollution often have to wait years for compensati­on and then may only receive less than two-thirds of what they are due,” he told the Sunday Herald.

“Compensati­on for environmen­tal damage is even harder to get. The IOPCF have the money but the rules on applying for environmen­tal damage compensati­on are very strict and complicate­d. So in practice such payments are hardly ever made.”

He pointed out that a recent ruling by the Spanish Supreme Court on the Prestige oil disaster in 2002 – which polluted thousands of miles of coastline and decimated the fishing indus- try –was expected to lead to claims for multi-billion pound damages. “This has sparked a crisis in the insurance industry as insurers now face the prospect of very large and unpredicta­ble costs,” he said.

“That is why we asked the IOPCF to begin talks about establishi­ng a new fund specifical­ly to cover environmen­tal, as distinct from economic, damages from pollution.”

Coastal communitie­s may now write to the IOPCF asking for the rules governing applicatio­ns for environmen­tal damage to be simplified and loosened.

“We will consider an approach to the Internatio­nal Maritime Organisati­on if we consider that a new internatio­nal convention is necessary,” Wills added. “The meeting in London did agree on one of our points: this issue will not go away.”

In his speech to IOPCF last week Wills described his plea as a respectful suggestion. “Please note that this is not an aggressive demand from self-righteous, self-appointed eco-warriors,” he said.

Victoria Turner, the spokeswoma­n for IOPCF, confirmed that Wills’s proposal had not been supported. “We would point out that one of the main reasons for the rejection of the proposal is that the internatio­nal regime applicable to oil spills from tankers already covers claims for environmen­tal damage, including clean-up operations and measures to reinstate the environmen­t,” she said.

The minutes of last week’s meeting quoted several delegation­s making the same point. “The creation of an additional fund would be a complicate­d and unnecessar­y duplicatio­n,” it said.

The shipping and insurance industries are also understood to have concerns about Wills’ proposal. The Internatio­nal Chamber of Shipping declined to be quoted, and the Internatio­nal Group of Protection & Indemnity Clubs, which includes insurance companies, did not respond to a request to comment.

 ??  ?? The Prestige oil spill devastated local wildlife and the fishing industry
The Prestige oil spill devastated local wildlife and the fishing industry

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