The Herald on Sunday

Revealed: fracking giant given £16m by Scottish Enterprise

- Grangemout­h oil refinery


AM U LT I N A T I O N A L company behind plans to bring fracking to Scotland has been awarded over £16 million by the country’s jobs quango in the last eight years. The sums given by Scottish Enterprise to Ineos – the equivalent of nearly £180,000 a month – sparked concerns the government has invested too much in the company to reject fracking entirely.

Ineos, founded by billionair­e tycoon Jim Ratcliffe, acquired the sprawling oil refinery and petrochemi­cal plant at Grangemout­h in 2005.

The facility employs around 1,300 people and is estimated to contribute nearly four per cent of Scotland’s GDP. However, a 60 per cent decline in gas production from the North Sea saw the firm decide to source ethane from outside the UK in a bid to modernise. Ineos also wants to be the driver in establishi­ng a Scottish fracking industry, a process that involves drilling into the earth onshore to release shale gas.

The SNP Government slapped a moratorium on fracking amid public and environmen­tal concerns and commission­ed research into the practice.

Ministers will consult further on the evidence and intend to make a decision on fracking by the end of the year.

According to figures obtained by this newspaper, the public investment in Ineos Chemicals Grangemout­h Limited – a company subsidiary – has been vast.

In 2009, Ineos was awarded £7.6m by Scottish Enterprise as part of the KG Flex project that is said to have secured jobs at the plant. The sum has been handed over in full.

Scottish Enterprise, in 2013-14, awarded it £9m to help establish a processing capacity to handle and deliver imported ethane from the US. The grant is handed over in instalment­s.

When the shipments from the US ar- rived at the new ethane facility, Friends of the Earth Scotland campaigns chief Mary Church said: “The fact that Scottish public money is tied up in this project is disgracefu­l. Setting aside the devastatin­g local impacts of fracking, the climate consequenc­es of extracting yet more fossil fuels are utterly disastrous.”

Mark Ruskell, a Scottish Greens MSP, has now expressed concern at the level of government support for Ineos: “On any given day, we might hear the SNP talk about the Scottish Government’s ‘world-leading’ climate change targets, the next it might be boasting of its plans to cosy up to the airlines by giving the aviation industry a tax cut. The revelation­s of this investment further shows the Scottish Government is all over the place when it comes to its environmen­tal policies.”

He added: “The Government really has some explaining to do, because people will want to know how meeting our climate change targets are possible while investing so much money in this fossil-fuel giant. They’ll also be asking if a fracking ban is ever possible with the SNP Government, given Scottish Enterprise has made such a big investment in Ineos, a company intent on digging up Scotland.”

However, a spokesman for Ineos hit back and said the investment had saved the plant: “Ineos has invested £450m in the site to enable a new secure-source ethane gas to be found, to build the new import terminal and to support site losses until the gas, which is an essential raw material, arrived from the US. Without this investment and support from the Scottish Government the site would have been uneconomic and would have closed.”

A Scottish Enterprise spokesman said: “Ineos’ operation at Grangemout­h is of strategic importance to Scotland’s economy. Petrochemi­cals, which are produced by Ineos at the site, are one of Scotland’s top five exports. The £16.6m investment made by Scottish Enterprise helped to generate £185m of investment from the company.” Photograph: Gordon Terris

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