The Herald on Sunday

The truth about Scotland and online abuse:

‘cybernats’ and ‘cyberbrits’ are just as bad as each other


WI DE SPREAD online abuse was generally seen as a stain on the 2014 independen­ce referendum, but with a second vote now looming on the horizon and Brexit tensions making the atmosphere febrile, there are fears that the worst excesses of online trolling are about to simmer to the surface once again. In the past so-called “cybernats” – outspoken online supporters of independen­ce – were seen as the worst offenders, however, that was a skewed perception, which failed to put the behaviour of so-called “cyberbrits” under the spotlight to an equal extent.

High-profile cases of abuse against prominent opponents of independen­ce, such as author JK Rowling, gained much more widespread attention than threats and vilificati­on against supporters of independen­ce. For example, only this week the highly controvers­ial pro-independen­ce blogger, Stuart Campbell, who runs the site Wings Over Scotland, claimed Unionist trolls posted death threats against him, as part of a campaign of intimidati­on targeting independen­ce supporters in the wake of the Brexit vote and in the shadow of “indyref2”.

In a bid to set the record straight, the Sunday Herald spoke to figures from both sides of the divide.

Campbell, who has himself come under criticism for trolling and being abusive, claimed online abuse from hardline sections of the Unionist camp was the “great undocument­ed phenomenon of the independen­ce debate”.

Campbell told the Sunday Herald that some Unionist opponents were “talking – openly, in public, under their own names – about torturing the likes of me to death”.

He cited online posts about him stating “someone just put a bullet between his eyes” from an Alan Taylor, while another from a Bill McIntosh said Campbell needed to be “exterminat­ed – slowly and painfully”.

A posting from a William Neish, said: “I have just been advised of his address” and “I’ll smash your head and ask questions later”. Campbell has reported the threats to the police.

Mainstream Unionist supporters condemned the threats against the blogger and called on all sides to abandon such tactics in the event of a fresh referendum.

Former Scottish Labour MSP Graeme Pearson, chief executive of the pro-UK group Scotland in Union, warned that such online threats create an “atmosphere of fear” among the electorate. Pearson, a senior police officer who served as head of the Scottish Drug Enforcemen­t Agency, said abuse from both sides had frightened some voters into silence.

He said: “It shouldn’t matter what he [Campbell] has said. There’s no justificat­ion for death threats and even if there is no substance to them it creates an atmosphere of fear.

“I spoke to people on the doorstep who had views [in 2014], but some people were frightened and remained silent. I hope that we can leave that behind.

“A lot of the public comment in cyberspace was largely from anonymous people on both sides, but there’s no sense in one side claiming to be less vitriolic than the other.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie, echoing Pearson’s remarks, said: “A political debate immersed in poison will simply drive sensible and rational people out of politics.”

Former First Minister Henry McLeish also called for end to online abuse he said could be “obsessive and often violent in tone” that he said “applies to both sides”.

However, Campbell’s claims of persecutio­n may elicit less sympathy from others following his involvemen­t in a series of high-profile, bitter online exchanges.

Campbell was previously criticised for claiming Liverpool fans were partly at fault over the deaths of the Hillsborou­gh victims. In September 2012, a day after an independen­t panel found that policing failures were responsibl­e for the disaster, Campbell wrote a controvers­ial article that sparked a furore.

The Bath-based blogger wrote: “The police’s mendacious attempts to blame the fans for being drunk, late or ticketless were red herrings. The reality is much simpler, and required no lying – the fans were to blame because they, alone, were the ones who pushed and thereby caused the crush.”

Campbell also reportedly tweeted to anti-independen­ce campaigner Andrew Skinner in 2014: “I’d just like you to f*** off to Ireland”.

Last night, Campbell said both sides were guilty of online abuse, but insisted that only abuse directed against Unionists was ever highlighte­d by the mainstream media. Apart from the Sunday Herald, few papers have tried to look at the issue of online abuse in Scotland in a fair and balanced fashion, highlighti­ng wrong-doing on both sides.

Campbell said the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s election made “really aggressive behaviour seem more mainstream and acceptable” and led to an onslaught against independen­ce supporters.

“Abuse from the Unionist side has always been the great undocument­ed phenomenon of the independen­ce debate – it happens on both sides, of course, but only one gets reported because almost the entire media is Unionist. But I’d say it’s gotten noticeably worse since Brexit, for a variety of reasons,” he claimed. “One is simply that it’s emboldened a certain type of extreme British nationalis­t – the tone of the EU referendum campaign and the US Presidenti­al one made really aggressive behaviour seem more mainstream and acceptable, plus once they won they didn’t feel any need to rein themselves in any more.

“But also, the Brexit vote made a second indyref all but inevitable, and they’re almost demented with anger about that, because they really thought they’d killed the Yes movement in 2014.

“The fact was that without Brexit there wasn’t plausibly going to be any justificat­ion for another referendum for years, but now it’s going to happen much sooner than anyone thought and there’s a very real chance they’ll lose this time, and they’re outraged.”

SNP MEP Alyn Smith claimed there was “a lot of nasty people online” across both sides of political divide. He said: “Online discourse is crucial to where politics in Scotland is going, but people have to remember that what they would not have said in person they shouldn’t say online. I mute about four people a day and have a rule that you ‘don’t feed the trolls’. There are a lot of nasty people online full stop. People need to be responsibl­e for their own behaviour.”

There’s no justificat­ion for death threats and even if there is no substance to them it creates an atmosphere of fear

 ?? Photograph­s: Ian West/PA Wire; Jay Williams/Getty Images ?? Above, JK Rowling was a high-profile victim of online abuse during the 2014 referendum, as was Stuart Campbell, on the other side of the political spectrum
Photograph­s: Ian West/PA Wire; Jay Williams/Getty Images Above, JK Rowling was a high-profile victim of online abuse during the 2014 referendum, as was Stuart Campbell, on the other side of the political spectrum
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