The Herald on Sunday

Inquiry into safety at PFI schools


PUPIL safety in schools built under controvers­ial private finance deals is to be investigat­ed by a Scottish Parliament committee. Building contractor­s, Scottish Government representa­tives and council officials will all be summoned to Holyrood’s education committee as part of the probe which follows the emergency closure of 17 fault-ridden schools in Edinburgh.

The Sunday Herald has learned that Private Finance Initiative (PFI) deals to build school buildings, that were signed by the last LabourLibD­em executive, will be raised during the inquiry.

The 17 schools in Edinburgh built under PFI arrangemen­ts were closed in 2016 when a series of other potentiall­y-fatal safety defects were revealed. An independen­t inquiry into the school closures, chaired by eminent architect John Cole, highlighte­d a lack of proper scrutiny of the constructi­on work of the school buildings affected.

However, MSPs will now explore how education authoritie­s across Scotland can assure parents and children that schools buildings are safe following the findings of the Cole report in February this year.

The committee will also focus on what lessons can be learned in the management of future school building projects.

Committee convener James Dornan, announcing the move, said: “There have clearly been some high-profile cases but our work will explore what the picture is across Scotland and, more importantl­y, what lessons can be learned to ensure this will never happen again and Scotland’s schools are well-built and safe places to learn.”

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