The Herald on Sunday

Fears over voter manipulati­on as Facebook spend by Scots political parties increases dramatical­ly



THE amount spent by political parties in Scotland on Facebook advertisin­g soared by half in just one year, the Sunday Herald can reveal, as concerns grow over voters being targeted by “dark adverts” on the social media site.

An analysis of electoral spending shows nearly £48,000 was spent on advertisin­g on the social media site north of the Border during the UK General Election campaign in 2015.

That figure increased to spending of £70,635 during the Scottish Parliament elections last year. Unlike the costs associated with leafleting campaigns, or time needed to visit people on the doorstep, thousands of voters can be targeted with individual advertisin­g content such as videos or messages for relatively low cost. For example, the Sunday Herald has learned the cost of reaching 18,000 constituen­ts with a targeted post is as little as £70.

It comes as the influence of the social media giant on elections is coming under increased scrutiny. Facebook uses closely-guarded computer algorithms to track users’ lives, allowing it to sell precisely-targeted advertisin­g.

However, concerns have been raised over the extent to which political advertisin­g on Facebook is now being used to influence elections, following reports that pro-Leave groups paid millions of pounds to a company to collect data about users and target them with personalis­ed messages which only they can see – sometimes called “dark advertisin­g”.

A BBC Panorama investigat­ion last week also revealed how the Leave EU campaign claimed Facebook had been a “game-changer” in persuading voters to back Brexit.

Political strategist Gerry Gunster told the programme how it allowed them to “micro-target” different types of people in different parts of the UK.

Jim Killock, executive director of Open Rights Group, an organisati­on which campaigns for online privacy, said: “The power of profiling and corporate surveillan­ce is becoming better understood as this power is being utilised not just to sell fizzy drinks and T-shirts but to influence elections.

“We all need to be very aware of how our informatio­n is being used, and of attempts to manipulate us.

“There is tremendous power in the hands of a tiny number of internet companies who have profiled billions of online users.”

The analysis by the Sunday Herald shows the top spender on the social media site during the 2015 General Election – in which the SNP recorded a landslide victory north of the Border – was the Conservati­ves, followed by Labour.

The Conservati­ves’ election spending vastly exceeded any other party, at £27,804. The next biggest spender was Labour at £6,946, followed by Ukip at £5,808, the SNP at £5,466 and the Liberal Democrats at £1,948.

In the Scottish Parliament elections the following year, while Labour and the Conservati­ves spent roughly the same on advertisin­g, it was the

Conservati­ves who beat Labour to become Scotland’s second party behind the SNP. Labour spent the most on Facebook at £22,672 followed by the Tories at £22,527. The Greens spent £12,907, the SNP £6,093 and the Liberal Democrats £5,205. Ukip spent the least at £1,228. The total for all parties accounted for seven per cent of the amount spent on advertisin­g.

The Sunday Herald asked all the parties a series of questions including their response to concerns over “dark advertisin­g” and how much they intended to spend on Facebook advertisin­g in the forthcomin­g General Election. The SNP, Greens and the Liberal Democrats did not respond.

ASCOTTISH Conservati­ve spokesman said: “Social media is an important tool for communicat­ing with voters, and the party will be using it to help spread our message that we don’t want the SNP’s second referendum on independen­ce. “However, the main way we engage with voters is through our candidates speaking to Scots up and down the country face to face about their concerns, and about what they want from their local MP.”

A Scottish Labour spokesman said: “Social media, including Facebook, is an increasing­ly valuable campaign tool. We will use online platforms and advertisin­g to take our message of a government for the many and not the few to voters across the country.

“Our policies – including investing in the NHS and education, and standing firmly against a second independen­ce referendum – will feature prominentl­y on platforms such as Facebook.”

David Coburn, leader of Ukip Scotland, said: “Social media is a great platform to convey your message. Some people may only use the internet for political informatio­n, others may not. I have not used Facebook to target the electorate specifical­ly – Facebook has been a platform where my followers merely keep up to date with my work.

“However, it can be an essential tool for campaignin­g and my team are currently researchin­g the pros and cons of social media campaignin­g.”

Facebook did not respond to a request to provide comment on the concerns raised over “dark advertisin­g” and regulation, and informatio­n on what services it can provide to political parties.

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