The Herald on Sunday

What’s up Doc?

Your blood pressure, you fat greedy rabbit


IT’S one of the great movie lines of all time: “Eh ... What’s up Doc?”, delivered by Bugs Bunny as he nonchalant­ly chews on a carrot with a gun aimed at his vitals. And this, far-fetched as it seems, is at least partly responsibl­e for the rise of “fat rabbit syndrome”, the ballooning weight of floppy-eared pets. For rather than being good for them, carrots are almost as dangerous to rabbits as Elmer Fudd’s double-barrelled shotgun.

The Doc – in this case Dr Suzanne Moyes, veterinary director at Burgess Pet Care – knows exactly what’s up. We are far too indulgent of our nose-twitching friends which is causing this obesity epidemic – and carrots, high in sugar, are a major part of the problem.

“Unfortunat­ely, popular culture, as well as a lack of informatio­n, has led to rabbits being associated with carrots and lettuce as their preferred foods,” she says. “This couldn’t be further from the truth and is actually very dangerous.”

Rabbits are ranked the fourth-most popular domesticat­ed animal in the UK after dogs, cats and indoor fish. Stereotypi­cally, they are kept in a hutch in the back garden and fed carrots, lettuce and water. But advice from profession­als like Moyes contradict­s this, saying their diet should reflect that of rabbits in the wild.

Despite this, animal well-being research shows that just six per cent of rabbit owners consulted a veterinary profession­al before taking on their new pet. The spike in widespread rabbit weight gain serves as a reflection of the British public’s complacenc­y in animal care – their lack of knowledge when it comes to feeding them properly – and their readiness to “kill them with kindness”. In 2013, a rabbit named Ralph was awarded The Guinness Book of Records’ heaviest Easter bunny title weighing in at almost four stones. Moyes continues: “Many rabbit owners underestim­ate the amount of care and attention they need.” Carrots should not be fed to them regularly. Instead, they should have a high-fibre diet consisting of mainly hay and grass, with fresh leafy greens serving as a vitamin-enriched treat.

The latest trend of feeding rabbits muesli-like foods is another reason for their obesity problems. This encourages them to eat selectivel­y, often choosing starchier foods options and ignoring the fibres which are essential to their health.

The annual Rabbit Awareness Week ends today after a host of events in schools and pet shops aimed at raising the profile of rabbit care. The workshops also advised on the best environmen­t to keep your pet rabbit and how to meet their emotional needs.

Moyes adds: “Every year, we come together to help raise awareness around rabbit welfare needs. Diet is consistent­ly identified as the number one issue that needs addressing.”

Rabbits are also described as socially complex characters with huge emotional needs. Without a partner they become lonely, which can lead to depression. In a time when obesity and loneliness are sweeping the Western world, not even the cute little wabbits have been spared.

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 ??  ?? Many people who keep rabbits as pets are unaware that carrots are full of sugar and not good for the floppy-eared creatures. Hay and leafy greens are the answer
Many people who keep rabbits as pets are unaware that carrots are full of sugar and not good for the floppy-eared creatures. Hay and leafy greens are the answer
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