The Herald on Sunday

New Tory MP in equality row over Mormons’ stance on gay marriage


NEWLY-ELECTED Tory MP Stephen Kerr was in charge of the Mormon Church’s publicity strategy in the UK when a directive was issued that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. When Kerr was national priesthood chairman of the public affairs committee of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a strategic plan for Great Britain was produced.

In the document, Kerr’s name appears at the top of a flow chart diagram of the “organisati­onal structure” of the group. It sets out seven “Key Messages”, which includes the stark directive “Marriage: defined as a man and a woman”.

The Sunday Herald revealed last week that gay men were “outed” by homophobic church leaders when Kerr was a high-ranking figure in the church. The SNP has called on Kerr to clarify whether or not he supports equality. The Mormon Church’s strategy also suggests members should seek public office. Kerr ran as Tory candidate in Stirling in 2010 and 2015, and was then elected last month with a majority of 148 votes. He now represents the thirdmost marginal Conservati­ve seat in the country.

The strategy states: “Raise the esteem of the church with the good and the great in British society: defenders of the faith in prominent positions and in the media … encourage church members to seek prominent positions in society.”

Under the “Recent Successes” section of the strategy is a report in “Church News” from March 14, 2009, featuring Kerr’s visit to the House of Commons for a presentati­on of the church’s “Family Values” award 2009.

In the article, Kerr was described as an “Area Seventy”, a high-ranking position in the church, and quoted as saying: “The institutio­n that will save our broken society is not parliament – it is the home.”

A Stirling SNP source said: “Tolerance, respect and inclusion are the attitudes and principles that should be encouraged and fostered in modern, outward-looking Scotland, and MPs of all parties should advance these.

Newly-elected Tory MP Stephen Kerr must clarify his views on equality, starting with whether or not he actually believes in it.”

Last night, Kerr said: “The church’s teachings are that marriage is defined by God as being between a man and a woman. As a parliament­arian my responsibi­lity is to all of the people of this constituen­cy and to the wider public interest. As such, I will defend the rights of all people, regardless of race, gender, disability or whatever – including sexuality – to see that their rights are defended and protected and advanced under law. It is possible to be an MP and to look after the interests of all of the people.”

When the Sunday Herald interviewe­d Kerr at his home in Stirling yesterday his wife accused this newspaper of “religious prejudice” and said it is “illegal” for a journalist to record a conversati­on, before taking out her mobile phone and recording the interview. When Kerr was asked again about the definition of marriage in the strategy, he said: “I was a church leader and that is what the church teaches as does a number of religions. Why is that an issue? As a church leader I produced, was responsibl­e, that was one of the documents that I, er, I don’t remember the specific document but there’s no question that I, you know, recognise it as, I’m not saying it’s not genuine so don’t misconstru­e me, but the church’s teachings, as you well know, in common with nearly all other Christian denominati­ons and other faiths – such as the Muslims and the Jews – is that marriage is defined by God and being between a man and a woman.

“As a parliament­arian I am not in Parliament to represent my religion … if you believe as an individual, in terms of religious faith, that marriage is between a man and a woman that doesn’t mean you’re against people having rights to equal marriage.”

A senior figure in the Scotland Office contacted the Sunday Herald to defend Kerr and restate his position, asking not to be named and insisting they were not speaking “in an official capacity”.

A Scottish Conservati­ves spokesman said: “Stephen is passionate about equality and respecting the rights of others, and will continue to fight for this as an MP.”

 ??  ?? Our story last week revealed gay men were ‘outed’ by church leaders while Kerr was a high ranking figure. Right, on the campaign trail with Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson
Our story last week revealed gay men were ‘outed’ by church leaders while Kerr was a high ranking figure. Right, on the campaign trail with Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson

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