The Herald on Sunday

‘ Offensive Behaviour at Football Act: the demise of the Government’s most despised and dangerous legislativ­e folly’


- Jeanette Findlay is a founding member of Fans Against Criminalis­ation and the Celtic Supporters’ Trust. She has written and campaigned extensivel­y on this Act and other football-related matters. She lives in Glasgow and is an academic to trade.

THE announceme­nt on Thursday by James Kelly MSP that he had lodged his Private Members’ Bill to repeal the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatenin­g Communicat­ions (Scotland) Act 2012 is the latest stage in the long drawn-out demise of this much-despised and dangerous piece of legislativ­e folly.

Backed by the results of the largest public consultati­on response ever received by the Scottish Parliament showing 71 per cent support for repeal, Kelly hopes to guide the Act to oblivion before the end of 2017.

The Offensive Behaviour Act, known universall­y by football supporters as “The Act” (the words usually spat out in disgust), was introduced in 2012. It was introduced, as is often stated, following a bad-tempered game between Celtic FC and Rangers FC in March 2011 at which the managers had a bit of a “set to”.

While this is undoubtedl­y true in a chronologi­cal sense, there is no causal relationsh­ip here. The idea that this not uncommon scene was sufficient justificat­ion for a bespoke piece of legislatio­n is frankly ludicrous. Neither was the Act, which has impacted calamitous­ly on the lives of thousands of football supporters (or as they are sometimes known, citizens), introduced to deal with a documented problem in Scottish football.

The Scottish Government’s own statistics make it clear that that the rate of offending of any kind which takes place in football stadia was, and is, miniscule. The true explanatio­n for the introducti­on of this legislatio­n lies much more in timing – coming, as it did, in the run-up to the 2011 election and two weeks after former first minister Jack McConnell baited the then FM Alex Salmond about the issue of sectariani­sm; budget cuts (in response to which the newly-appointed Chief Constable of Strathclyd­e Police, Stephen House, strategica­lly and successful­ly targeted the Government’s anti-sectarian funding pot as well as the top job in the new Police Service of Scotland); and yes, personalit­ies – House, Salmond and the then justice secretary Kenny MacAskill would struggle to fit their combined egos into a detached villa in one of Edinburgh’s more affluent areas. Then lord advocate Frank Mulholland not only failed to offer wise legal counsel against the draft Bill, but he became its public face giving numerous bravura defences of it in press and TV interviews.

Fans responded by forming a campaign, Fans Against Criminalis­ation (FAC), as soon as the idea was first mooted. The basis of our argument is that this legislatio­n was poorly drafted, unnecessar­y, illiberal and discrimina­tory, in that it could, and did, disproport­ionately target young, working-class men.

In the language of the National 5 Modern Studies syllabus – in which FAC has appeared for some years – we are an “outsider” pressure group. This is, as I understand it, a function of our relationsh­ip with the Government. Outsider pressure groups are those which are not “consulted by the Government”.

Given the repeated claim by spokespeop­le for the Scottish Government that the Act is there to protect football fans and to ensure that we can enjoy attending games in a suitable environ- ment, you would think that our views on the Act would have been solicited by the Government. But no, as even 14-year-old Scottish schoolchil­dren know, we are defined as being “not consulted” and instead have had to rely on building support among the public. Luckily for us then, that the Scottish public, when properly consulted, agree in the overwhelmi­ng majority that the Act should go. They are joined by “insider” groups such as the Law Society of Scotland, Liberty UK, the black and ethnic minority organisati­on BEMIS, anti-sectarian group Nil By Mouth, academics, children’s organisati­ons and … well, every part of civic society except the Scottish Government and the police service of Scotland. I would imagine even the latter must, by now, be wishing they had kept well away, given the near-irreparabl­e damage the Act has caused to the relationsh­ip between young football supporters and the police.

The consequenc­es of the Act have been catastroph­ic. Young people have lost out on jobs and promotions because of prosecutio­n, far less conviction; young profession­als including trainee teachers and health service workers have faced the prospect of losing entire careers before they started.

For many, the fact they were found not guilty (the Act has a very low conviction rate) did not mitigate the damage caused to them or the stress and anxiety which they and their families suffered. For every week this Act remains on the statute book, more young people will suffer the same. In that context, it is disappoint­ing that our Government, who are strong believers in the “will of the people” and the “will of Parliament”, are still digging their heels in and refusing to accept the will of both people and parliament.

This Act will go – making history as it does as the first piece of legislatio­n enacted by the Scottish Parliament to be repealed. In the words of James Kelly, the “parliament­ary arithmetic” makes that almost certain. As “outsiders” we don’t, by definition, expect to be listened to by the Scottish Government but, just in case they are listening, I say this: the least you can do now is to allow the process to be completed without undue hindrance. You got it wrong. Let it go and move on.

 ?? Photograph: Andrew Milligan/ PA Wire ?? James Kelly MSP has lodged a Private Members’ Bill to repeal the Act
Photograph: Andrew Milligan/ PA Wire James Kelly MSP has lodged a Private Members’ Bill to repeal the Act
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