The Herald on Sunday

McAreavey’s blurred battle lines

The Troubles coloured his career at Linfield, but Celtic’s stance saddens former midfielder, writes James Morgan

- Photograph: Getty

PAUL McAreavey is recalling a harrowing tale of life growing up in Belfast at the height of the Troubles. Aged nine, he was sitting in his living room when he heard shots fired outside. His father Danny, an avid reader, had just left to pick up his latest collection of books from the library. Panic struck the McAreavey household.

“We all ran outside because we thought it was him,” McAreavey says. “He was sitting in his car; it was our next-door neighbour who had been shot by loyalist paramilita­ries. His brother was a paramilita­ry and they couldn’t get to him so they went after our neighbour. A couple of years later they shot him again.”

To the average listener, McAreavey’s story might sound remarkable, to anyone born into a family on the Republican Ballymurph­y estate during the Troubles, it was one of everyday life. McAreavey, now 36, remembers the riots and daily patrols by the British Army through his estate. “I threw stones at the Brits, yeah, I was 12 or 13, everyone did it,” he says. “I lived near the Henry Taggart Fort, the big RUC station on the Springfiel­d Road. It’s gone now, you wouldn’t recognise the place these days but I still remember it. There were mass riots, buses burned, people pulled from cars and blockades set up.”

When McAreavey was 22, he signed for Linfield. It was the most obvious choice for a young up-andcoming midfielder looking for his next career move in Irish League football but not for a Catholic from the predominan­tly nationalis­t west Belfast, given the club’s supporters had traditiona­lly been drawn from the Protestant loyalist community.

McAreavey had spent the previous season at Portadown after his return to the local game following five years in England at Swindon Town. He arrived at Linfield in the summer of 2003 with another Catholic, Aiden O’Kane, who himself had just been released by an English club, York City. A few years earlier Pat McShane had become the first Catholic from west Belfast to sign for Linfield. Legend has it he would walk through the nationalis­t estate of Twinbrook wearing his Linfield tracksuit, much to the chagrin of the locals.

“Pat just didn’t give a f***,” recalls Chris Morgan, a Linfield team-mate of McShane’s from the early 2000s. “It wasn’t like it was a secret that he played for Linfield. Everyone knew.”

While McShane had blazed a trail which had earlier been set by Dessie Gorman, the first southern Irish Catholic to sign for Linfield in five decades, McAreavey says he did question his sanity when it came to his decision.

“I didn’t know anything about Dessie when I first arrived at Linfield but I knew Pat was there,” he says. “Aiden signed at the same time as me. He was from Ardoyne and I was from Ballymurph­y. Aiden got a bit of stick from local people in Ardoyne, nothing threatenin­g or anything like that, but it was a bit more serious than what I got. Before I signed I did think ‘Aiden’s from Ardoyne and I’m from Ballymurph­y, are we mad?’.

“I went to see my dad and I asked what he thought I should do?,’ I really wanted to sign. David Jeffrey [the manager] really impressed me and everything about the club was very profession­al.

“My dad said, ‘do it son’. I had been at Portadown, who had won the league the previous year, and some nights there were only 10 at training. I was shocked. But I went to Linfield and it was a different world. Everything was down to a tee. It was the most profession­al club I played at and I include Swindon in that.”

McAreavey never regretted his decision to sign on at Windsor Park where he stayed for six years. “I got stick, too,” he adds. “But it was mostly banter. I still drank in the same local pub in Ballymurph­y that I had always drank in. One day, I was sitting having a few beers after we had won the league and someone threw a wee, plastic money bag at me. It had 30 10 pence pieces inside it. I just laughed and threw it at the barman and said ‘here, get another round in’.”

WHEN his time at Windsor Park came to an end in 2009, McAreavey left for Celtic – Donegal Celtic that is, via Dundalk and Ballymena United. He went on to manage the club, too, and says that there was never any trouble when Linfield visited Celtic Park. On the contrary.

“The DC management and supporters went out of their way to extend a welcome to Linfield. Times have changed here. You see kids around the area I came from wearing Northern Ireland tops. The matches were fine and Linfield supporters would mix in the social club with DC fans before and after matches. We lost 4-1 but that was Donegal Celtic, not Glasgow Celtic.”

As someone with a foot in both camps, McAreavey is disappoint­ed that Celtic supporters will not get the chance to buy tickets for the Champions League qualifier at Windsor Park should Linfield beat the San Marino side La Fiorita over two legs.

“I’m a Celtic supporter. My first match was a 6-0 win over Montrose in the Scottish Cup in the 1990s,” he says. “I used to get the boat over to games when I could but when I started playing football on a regular basis on a Saturday I couldn’t go as often.

“I remember one year going over on the plane for an Old Firm game after I’d signed for Linfield. I was wearing a green-and-white Celtic jacket and when I got on to the plane it was full of Linfield supporters who were also going over for the match. I was getting a slagging: ‘What are you doing wearing that?’ that kind of thing and I just said, ‘Linfield on a Saturday, Celtic on a Sunday’. It was a good laugh. My mate’s a big Rangers fan and when the draw was made he sent me a half-and-half scarf on WhatsApp with the message ‘which one?’.

“I’m disappoint­ed for the Celtic fans in Ireland who travel over to Scotland every week to see their team. This was a chance for them to see Celtic in their own backyard.

“I understand the reasons for it. The club will have been in contact with Linfield, PSNI, Police Scotland and the IFA and they will know there is the potential for trouble in city centre bars as there was when Poland played Northern Ireland a few years ago. But I don’t think it would have been a problem around the ground. The fans could have been walked in.

“I’m sure I’ll ask Linfield for tickets, I’m still treated like a king there. I can walk down the Shankill and everyone shouts out to me and I could walk down the Falls and no-one would have a clue who I was. I never have

This was a chance for the Celtic fans in Ireland who travel over to Scotland every week to see their team play in their own backyard

to put my hand in my pocket on the Shankill. A few years ago, I went to the Boyne with around 30 Linfield fans and a couple of former players and their wives. We got a history lesson on the Boyne and had a great day out. As it was coming to an end most of the boys were sitting on or around a bench that the back had fallen off. I walked behind them at one point and stood on a nail that had been holding the back in place. It went right through my foot. I had to be driven back up the road for a tetanus jab. I took a hammering for that. Someone shouted, ‘there’s another Catholic taking a beating at the Boyne’.

“When I went to Swindon I saw a different way of life and thought about people differentl­y. Football helped to change me. My uncle was from the Shankill, my granny came from London. We were taught everyone was the same and it didn’t matter where you came from.”

 ??  ?? Paul McAreavey in action for Swindon in 2002 before returning to Northern Ireland and subsequent­ly joining Linfield
Paul McAreavey in action for Swindon in 2002 before returning to Northern Ireland and subsequent­ly joining Linfield
 ??  ??

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