The Herald

Rangers and BBC reach agreement after reporting row


RANGERS and the BBC have reached a truce in the row over reporting of the club’s affairs.

The BBC has now dropped the nearly monthlong boycott of Ibrox after the club agreed to drop a ban on senior sports reporter Chris McLaughlin.

Rangers said: “Following a meeting with the BBC, the media privileges of Chris McLaughlin have been reinstated. Rangers has received assurances from the BBC that their reporting of Rangers’ affairs will be balanced.”

A BBC Scotland source said: “It is back to normal business as of this afternoon.”

Fans previously lodged their concerns about the BBC boycott which began with the club’s 3-0 victory over Peterhead at the beginning of August.

Mr McLaughlin was told he was not welcome after being accused of filing misleading and unbalanced reports by Rangers.

Rangers previously said its concerns came to a head after a BBC report unfairly focused on the arrest of Rangers fans after the club’s 6-2 win over Hibs.

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