The Independent

Revered in Britain, forgotten in her adopted country, the curious fate of Edith Cavell


Revered in Britain for her courage, First World War nurse Edith Cavell is now a forgotten figure in Belgium, the country where she was executed for treason.

Mondaywill mark 100 years since German soldiers shot Cavell at a Brussels shooting range, an act seen at the time as a shocking affront to human decency. The anniversar­y will be remembered at ceremonies across the UK, from Inverness to Norwich, as well as Canada, where she gave her name to the 11,000ft Mount Edith Cavell. Earlier this year, the Royal Mint issued a £5 coin depicting her tending a wounded soldier.

Yet few Belgians recall her bravery in treating soldiers from both sides of the conflict. In Brussels, Edith Cavell is best known for giving her name to a prestigiou­s hospital that is on the site of the nursing school she helped to set up. The local Belgian press has largely ignored the centenary, despite Monday’s longplanne­d unveiling of a new bust by PrincessAn­ne and Belgium’s Princess Astrid in the Parc Montjoie, which adjoins Edith Cavell Road and is close to the Edith Cavell Hospital.

There will be other centenary events, but mostly run by the local British community. The Belgian Edith Cavell Commemorat­ion Group, set up in 2010 by retired businessma­n Andrew Brown, has helped to organise exhibition­s and concerts, but has struggled to raise awareness of her legacy. “I was disappoint­ed that she was not more recognised,” he said. “They don’t commemorat­e as much in Belgium as they do in Britain.”

Mr Brown admits he first heard about Edith Cavell when, as an Ernst & Young accountant, he was assigned to tell the hospital it was bankrupt. (It closed in 1982, but Mr Brown was instrument­al in its reopening the following year.) The experience inspired him. “The legacy she left us is one of teaching and caring,” he said.

Sophie de Schaepdrij­ver, a First World War historian and professor at Pennsylvan­ia State University, says that if Cavell is unknown, it is because Belgium has largely forgotten about the war. “Belgianswe­re for a long time complacent and smug towards the wartime generation,” she said. “In my four years studying modern history at Brussels Free University, we did not touch the war at all.”

Born in Norfolk in 1865, Cavell went to Brussels in 1906 where she was eventually appointed matron of the Berkendael Surgical Institute training school for nurses. On holiday in Norwich when war broke out, she quickly came back to Brussels. Cavell tended both German and allied wounded, and refused to leave her post when Brussels fell.

However, she also worked with the Belgian undergroun­d network to help to smuggle more than 200 British, French and Belgian soldiers into the Netherland­s. The soldiers were given fake identifica­tion and hidden until they could make it to the Dutch frontier.

In August 1915, Cavell was arrested for treason. She confessed her role, and was condemned despite appeals from then neutral United States, as well as Spain and the Vatican. Taken from the Saint Gilles prison at dawn and transferre­d to a firing range in the Schaerbeek, she was shot by a 16-man firing squad, while still wearing her nurse’s uniform.

However, her execution was a propaganda disaster for Germany. Cavell was hailed as a martyr and the Germans as murderous monsters. In the eight weeks after her execution, recruitmen­t into the British army doubled. Her death was equally mourned in Belgium, where King Albert I said: “Brussels will be haunted for ever by the ghost of this noble woman, shamefully murdered.” Many memorials were raised in her memory, the most famous being her statue in St Martin’s Place, next to Trafalgar Square.

In France and Belgium, Edith became a popular name for girls, including the singer Edith Piaf, born just two months after the execution. Cavell’s remains were brought back to Britain in 1919 and she was given a state funeral and a memorial service in Westminste­r Abbey attended by King George V, before being reburied in Norwich.

 ?? HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY ?? British nurse Edith Cavell, pictured in London in 1903, was executed by the Germans for treason
HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY British nurse Edith Cavell, pictured in London in 1903, was executed by the Germans for treason
 ?? GETTY ?? The Edith Cavell memorial near Trafalgar Square
GETTY The Edith Cavell memorial near Trafalgar Square

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