The Independent

SeaWorld banned from breeding captive orcas


Animal rights activists have welcomed a ruling by the California Coastal Commission, banning SeaWorld from breeding orcas in captivity at its San Diego park.

The agency, which regulates major constructi­on projects along the coast of the Golden State, approved SeaWorld’s plan to double the size of its orca habitat at a hearing on Thursday.

The company intends to spend $100m (£65m) to expand its orca facility, but the commission’s decision came with several conditions. SeaWorld cannot add any new whales from the wild to its San Diego tanks, and none of the 11 orcas currently at the park will be allowed to breed there.

More than 600 people attended the hearing in Long Beach,with hours of testimony from SeaWorld supporters and opponents, including the actress-turned-animal rights activist Pamela Anderson.

SeaWorld said it was disappoint­ed with the ruling. “Breeding is a natural, fundamenta­l and important part of an animal’s life and depriving a social animal of the right to reproduce is inhumane,” the park said. John Reilly, the president of SeaWorld San Diego, said before the ruling: “A ban on breeding would sentence these animals to a slow extinction in our care.”

The park’s critics hailed theruling. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said: “The commission’s action ensures that no more orcas will be condemned to a nonlife of loneliness, deprivatio­n and misery.”The breeding ban will not applyto the 13 otherwhale­s at SeaWorld attraction­s in San Antonio and Orlando.

Public interest in captive orcas was sparked by a 2013 documentar­y Blackfish. Jackass star Steve-O, (real name Stephen Glover),was thisweek sentenced to 30 days’ jail for climbing a crane in Los Angeles and setting off fireworks to protest against SeaWorld’s treatment of orcas.

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