The Independent

Making America hate again? After yet another incident of violence at one of his rallies, Trump praises his supporters who ‘swing back’

As the mood at his rallies deteriorat­es, the Republican presidenti­al hopeful has had little to say about the latest incident in which a black protester was apparently punched by a white supporter. DAVID USBORNE reports from Florida


Donald Trump was caught up in an increasing­ly angry row last night over violence and the apparent targeting of African-Americans at his rallies after the circulatio­n of a new video showing a protester apparently being punched by a white supporter.

Invited to express concern, the property tycoon declined and instead offered his praise to supporters who “swing back” at those who disrupt his speeches. Mr Trump was pressed on the issue at his Mar-a-Lago club moments after he unveiled the endorsemen­t yesterday of Ben Carson, once a bitter rival for the party nomination.

He responded by recalling another event two weeks ago, after a man causing a ruckus was escorted out by security guards, when he told the crowd that he himself felt like punching the protester in the face.

“There was that particular one where I said bang him,” Mr Trump recounted at the press conference, with the softly spoken Mr Carson, who had just denounced “strife and division” in the Republican race for president, standing behind him. “The guy was very loud and he started swinging at the audience. And you knowwhat? The audience swung back and I thought it was very, very appropriat­e.”

Before the press conference, Mr Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowsk­i, told The Independen­t that steps had been taken to increase the police and security presence at Trump rallies. “If there is anybody out of line, those people are held accountabl­e,” he said.

But he appeared to exonerate those supporters who may be on short fuses, putting it

down to their anger at how America has been treated by foreign nations. Mr Trump often rails specifical­ly at Mexico and China for allegedly cheating America on trade.

“Mr Trump’s people are very, very passionate,” Mr Lewandowsk­i said. “They are angry because of the way this country has been taken advantage of by so many other countries. That is the frustratio­n level that a lot of people in this country feel, and people express it in different ways.”

The 78-year-old supporter who was captured in the video that emerged onThursday­said of the protester in a television interview: “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.” The Trump supporter was arrested and charged.

The incident of the black man being punched is not isolated. There have been two recent cases of media reporters being roughed up or manhandled at Trump events, one allegedly involving a campaign official and a female reporter for Breitbart News, a conservati­ve outlet. A few days earlier, Secret Service agents tackled a Time photograph­er before the start of a Trump rally.

But the apparently racially

The fact that I experience­d hate tells you everything you need to know about Trump

tinged incidents will get the most attention. Anothervid­eo came out showing a young black student also at the North Carolina event being approached by officers, manhandled to the ground, handcuffed and thrown out. The apparent reason: a group of black men near him had been loudly protesting.

“At first I refused to leave because it was all just a product of being black at a Trump rally,” Adedayo Adeniyi said later. “Basically in that environmen­t I’m guilty by associatio­n. But common sense told me to just listen to the cops and move along.

“These are presidenti­al rallies. I’m not at a KKK rally. The fact that I experience­d hate at a candidate rally tells you everything you need to know about Donald Trump and the people that support him. People will act more hateful and racist in environmen­ts that they feel not only encouraged to do it, but accept it as normal.”

Confirming his decision to back Mr Trump, Mr Carson, who dropped his bid for the Republican nomination just over a week ago, said the two of them had themselves “buried the hatchet”. He added there was a “cerebral” side to Mr Trump that people don’t see.

“There are two different Donald Trumps,” he suggested. “The one you see on the stage and the one who is very cerebral who sits there and considers things very carefully… and that’s the Donald Trump you are going to start seeing more and more of.”

His famous hair given a lavender hue by the lighting in the club’s White and Gold Ballroom, Mr Trump also referred to the past bad blood between him and Mr Carson, but insisted it had meant nothing in the long run. “It’s politics,” he said. “It’s tough stuff… but I was really impressed with the way he fought back. He did so well.”

The endorsemen­t could help Mr Trump to blunt the challenge from Senator Ted Cruz, who now stands as his only credible surviving rival. The race for the Republican nomination approaches another critical milestone with votes in several very large states on Tuesday – including Florida, where Senator Marco Rubio is making a last stand to stay in the race. Also in play will be Ohio, the home turf of Governor John Kasich, who likewise risks dropping out if he doesn’t hold his own.

 ?? GERALD HERBERT/AP ?? A Donald Trump supporter shouting at protesters who were chanting ‘black lives matter’ during a campaign rally for the Republican businessma­n in New Orleans last week
GERALD HERBERT/AP A Donald Trump supporter shouting at protesters who were chanting ‘black lives matter’ during a campaign rally for the Republican businessma­n in New Orleans last week
 ?? GERRY BROOME/AP ?? Anti-Trump protesters are forcibly removed as the Republican presidenti­al hopeful speaks at campaign rally in Fayettevil­le, North Carolina
GERRY BROOME/AP Anti-Trump protesters are forcibly removed as the Republican presidenti­al hopeful speaks at campaign rally in Fayettevil­le, North Carolina

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